In every woman's life there is one real and consuming love. But very ...

In every woman's life there is one real and consuming love. But very few women guess which one it is.

Consuming is an endless treadmill.

Cease consuming, practice generosity.

Consuming is the opposite of producing.

Acting in 'Game of Thrones' is all consuming.

Acting can be very selfish and all-consuming.

Consuming art should involve investment and risk.

I have decided not to do the spa. Too time consuming.

I found golf was too time consuming, but I did enjoy it.

There are no insoluble problems. Only time-consuming ones.

The computer is really a useful gadget for consuming time.

Sometimes when you see things online, it's very consuming.

Finding a good cause is incredibly hard and time-consuming.

An eviction is an incredibly time consuming and stressful event.

Angling is extremely time consuming. That's sort of the whole point.

'Law & Order' was amazing but so consuming, I couldn't get to the stage.

Writing is a creatively rewarding occupation but for me very time consuming.

It's good to have to put yourself in someone else's skin. It's all-consuming.

Nothing is more consuming, or more illogical, than the desire for remembrance.

Litigation is notoriously time-consuming, inefficient, costly and unpredictable.

I obsess over things... especially my book projects. It can be very time consuming.

My dad gave me the gene to enjoy cooking, and to enjoy consuming good food and wine.

I own things I like, but nothing inanimate that I treasure in a deeply consuming way.

Shooting stuff on horseback is more complicated and time consuming than anything else.

Working in Hollywood for the orchestra world is a very time consuming and laborious job.

Spotify wants to make consuming music simpler and at the same time pay the rights owners.

I find beauty very frightening because it's such an all consuming subject in our society.

I made every single piece myself, each individual component, so it was quite time consuming.

Regardless of your metabolism, if you stop consuming so many calories, you will lose weight.

I always thought of the zombies as being about revolution, one generation consuming the next.

I work a lot with a green screen, which is really time consuming. All the special effects are.

As a professional athlete, part of my job is to make sure I'm consuming high quality nutrients.

For me, acting is not an all-consuming thing, except for the moment when I am actually doing it.

In a participatory culture, none of us is fully literate unless we're creating, not just consuming.

As I recall, my life as a child was so all-consuming that I barely had time to consider the future.

This is fun; consuming our music shouldn't be a responsibility like eating your spinach or something.

You can't really call yourself an environmentalist if you're still consuming animals. You just can't.

You can't really call yourself an environmentalist if you're still consuming animals. You just can't.

You don't drive an economy by consuming - the consumer is not the engine, the consumer is the caboose.

I come from the streaming world, so the changing trend of consuming music that way is positive for me.

Now I see that I will never find the light Unless, like the candle, I am my own fuel, Consuming myself.

I'd always enjoyed acting, but modeling was so time-consuming - and lucrative - that I didn't pursue it.

Shopping for clothes is time consuming, it's tiring, and it can feel like a waste of an autumn afternoon.

These people that are in consuming jobs - you forget to do one thing. And that's to take care of yourself.

I don't want to see crocs end up as boots, bags and belts. We're killing and consuming our wildlife icons.

What people are consuming is what things represent. It's people defining themselves through what they wear.

If you do not know where the mushroom products you are consuming are grown, think twice before eating them.

Women bring things to the storytelling of news that is maybe more relatable to the women that are consuming.

Value is shifting from those that produce the content, to those that deliver the experience of consuming it.

I've directed a couple of times in the theater, but I wouldn't make a habit of it because it's too consuming.

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