It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this.

Oh, if I could but live another century and see the fruition of all the work for women! There is so much yet to be done.

In my world, of course, it don't matter. You could be a gangster with a dress, you could be a gangster with baggy pants.

I have never had to face anything that could overwhelm the native optimism and stubborn perseverance I was blessed with.

I think that I'm so psychotic and so mentally ill that if I could tap into that I could do something really interesting.

I always think I could play a fantastic psychopath. I'd like to play a psycho. With a heart, you know. A caring lunatic.

If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.

Music kept me off the streets and out of trouble and gave me something that was mine that no one could take away from me.

We need the private sector to create jobs. If the government could create jobs Communism would have worked, but it didn't.

I wish you could see some of the girls I have genuinely had crushes on in my life. They're not the girls you would assume.

What's the worst that could happen? You're going to come second or lose? It's not like someone has got a gun to your head.

When I was a kid, my mother told me that if you could not be a good loser, then there's no way you could be a good winner.

Yes, I guess you could say I am a loner, but I feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than I feel on my own.

You know you're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you're down there.

If it's a good movie, the sound could go off and the audience would still have a perfectly clear idea of what was going on.

Fighting means you could lose. Bullying means you can't. A bully wants to beat somebody; he doesn't want to fight somebody.

I fell in love with pastry because I felt I could be much more creative. It's precise, and you don't have to kill anything.

The march of invention has clothed mankind with powers of which a century ago the boldest imagination could not have dreamt.

I didn't know I could sing until I auditioned for 'Les Miserables.' My friend was auditioning, and I wanted to audition too.

I wish I could freeze time or go back in time and watch my kids grow up all over again because it is just going by too fast.

I didn't realise how devastating my behavior could be - looking back, I'm very embarrassed. I just buckled under the anxiety.

I've been called a lot of things. But never, and I mean never, could anyone ever make the mistake of calling me a Yankee fan.

In the beginning there was nothing and God said 'Let there be light', and there was still nothing but everybody could see it.

I'm very inspired by nature - you could say Mother Nature. I look at things around me and get all kinds of inspiration daily.

My relationship with God and my parents, that's what keeps me together. I know that everything could end as soon as it starts.

I don't remember not dancing. When I realized I was alive and these were my parents, and I could walk and talk, I could dance.

A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could.

The agony of my feelings allowed me no respite; no incident occurred from which my rage and misery could not extract its food.

I could put my thumb up to a window and completely hide the Earth. I thought, 'Everything I've ever known is behind my thumb.'

Long Kiss Goodnight has a huge cult following. They could make another version of that movie right now and make a lot of money.

I wish BTS could set up a model for k-pop with the best music and content so we have a positive impact on the U.S. music scene.

There's always something we can complain about. We're all one. Things could always be better, but things could always be worse.

There's something about death that is comforting. The thought that you could die tomorrow frees you to appreciate your life now.

If someone had told me years ago that sharing a sense of humour was so vital to partnerships, I could have avoided a lot of sex!

When I was a really young child, I felt like I could see fairies. I was convinced there were fairies in my grandmother's garden.

If I could only give three words of advice, they would be, 'Tell the truth.' If I got three more words, I'd add, 'All the time.'

I take things like honor and loyalty seriously. It's more important to me than any materialistic thing or any fame I could have.

Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.

If I could be doing anything, I'd be laying on the floor in my birthday suit eating junk food and watching something dumb on TV.

I feel sorry for anybody that could let hate wrap them up. Ain't no such thing as I can hate anybody and hope to see God's face.

The most expensive hobby a rich man could have is a boat, and the second most expensive hobby he could have is a very old house.

If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on the wall, I think we'd see the beauty then and stand staring in awe.

My neighbour asked if he could use my lawnmower and I told him of course he could, so long as he didn't take it out of my garden.

Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King could walk. Martin Luther King walked so Obama could run. Obama's running so we all can fly.

I don't believe in politics. I'm an anarchist, I guess you could say. I think people could be just fine looking after themselves.

Identify your niche and dominate it. And when I say dominate, I just mean work harder than anyone else could possibly work at it.

Without health insurance, getting sick or injured could mean going bankrupt, going without needed care, or even dying needlessly.

I would give no thought of what the world might say of me, if I could only transmit to posterity the reputation of an honest man.

I love Germany. Unfortunately, I had to leave because there wasn't any MMA clubs where I could train and continue to learn there.

As a kid, I dreamt of becoming a writer. My most exciting pastime was reading novels; in fact, I would read anything I could find.

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