My mum is an artist and very into creative expression and freedom.

Using creative expression as a means to a professional end makes me curl up a bit.

As a director, I get to have a much broader creative expression than as an actress.

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

Writing was my route to creative expression, and I needed to write about the things that interested me.

I never felt like I had to sound like my dad. I wanted my music to be creative expression with no expectations.

I'm someone who speaks my mind, so it was important to me that my publisher value originality and creative expression.

Being a wife and a mother is very gratifying, but it's not a creative expression and that's something I need to be happy.

Like Love, Art ties together all the great sacred traditions because they all used creative expression, or we wouldn't know about them.

Maybe clothes are a form of creative expression for me. An outlet. Because I don't get to express myself creatively through my official duties.

I've seen situations where I think comics are really unrealistic about what creative expression and what the artistic freedom, what that entails.

Clothing started as an armor for me. It was one of the ways that I protected myself from the world. It evolved into a form of creative expression.

Russia, France, Germany and China. They revere their writers. America is still a frontier country that almost shudders at the idea of creative expression.

The most important thing about intellectual property vs. creative expression is that copyright law was created not to stifle creativity but to encourage creativity.

Oprah Winfrey represents the most ingenious and creative expression of black spiritual genius in the public mainstream that we've had in quite a long time, if ever.

I believe that independent film making is the last frontier of creative expression available. So I'm always willing to lend a helping hand to a young film maker who's just getting into the business.

Even though I'm really into fashion, I'm into fashion as a means of creative expression. I dress myself according to my personal creative expression... I try to keep it comfortable. I try to keep it simple.

Every time we come out, there's a hunger for creative expression or creative ways to put out content that isn't duplicated from our last run. Whether it's technology, messaging, visual… we're always pushing the envelope.

If I only acted, I feel like I wouldn't have enough creative expression over my own sensibility, and also if I only acted, the notion of surrendering my fate and future to other people is deeply unsettling to me and it would make me uncomfortable.

Whoopi Goldberg looked like me, she had hair like mine, she was dark like me. I'd been starved for images of myself. I'd grown up watching a lot of American TV. There was very little Kenyan material, because we had an autocratic ruler who stifled our creative expression.

Iranian filmmakers are not passive. They fight whenever they can, as creative expression means a lot to them. The restrictions and censorship in Iran are a bit like the British weather: one day it's sunny, the next day it's raining. You just have to hope you walk out into the sunshine.

China is important to the world in that they are a force and on the move. Exposing them to figurative art opens up a potential for artistic expression far greater than anyone would ever have dreamed possible until today. It is this very spirit of the struggle and determination to triumph that inspires creative expression.

I was raised around a lot of artists, musicians, photographers, painters and people that were in theater. Just having the art-communal hippie experience as a child, there wasn't a clear line that was drawn. We celebrated creative experience and creative expression. We didn't try and curtail it and stunt any of that kind of growth.

Measuring success in cultural diplomacy - the use of education, creative expression in any form, or people-to-people exchange to increase understanding across regions, cultures, or peoples - is challenging. How does one quantify changes in attitude, abandoning stereotypes, or feeling empathy as a result of a performance, a film, a book?

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