My dad being not the greatest dad in the world has made me a better parent.

But I have to be careful not to let the world dazzle me so much that I forget that I'm a husband and a father.

I think my dad really wanted me to survive the world. He knew as a psychologist how difficult the world is, and I think he wanted me to be tough.

Without my dad doing what he did, and without me putting in the hours, there wouldn't be any travelling the world or playing with the pros. He's a huge part of it.

My dad was very religious growing up and a little bit closed minded, and I think me being in the theater, two of my three sisters are dancers, so being in the arts world has changed and opened him up in a lot of ways.

My dad is a Chatty Cathy, the social butterfly; friendly; knows everybody in the whole world by six degrees; tells me that every performance is the greatest he's ever seen, every new outfit is the coolest. Constant cheerleader.

I don't think I will fully appreciate it until I have retired. My dad will ring me after a game and if we've lost it's the end of the world for me but he will say: 'I don't think you realise - you are captain of West Ham, you grew up supporting the club.'

I think, ever since I started doing well commercially, it's always been like, 'Oh, well, you're only where you are because of your dad, and it must be because of Mark Ronson and Greg Kurstin that you do well.' It's just everyone apart from me is responsible for the songs that I've written selling millions around the world.

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