I think I'm going to lead my people one day. I'm sure of it.

People are so damned afraid that one day they might wake up and discover that they've grown old.

More people died on 9/11, in one day, at the hand of Muslim terrorists than during the Inquisition.

I saw novelists as being admirable people and I thought... I thought... maybe, one day, I could be one of them.

One day, people in China may be able to see the records of conversations between multinational tech companies and the Chinese authorities.

I would like to one day write a nice big novel and enjoy writing it and people enjoy reading it but I cannae be bothered or I don't have any ideas that would fill up a big book like that.

I started making videos to post just for my friends to see, and people really liked them. One day, I realized they had a couple thousand views on YouTube - I hadn't even known other people were watching them.

No-one gets a job at 16 and stays in it until 60 any more; we're connected to more people simultaneously than ever before, whether online or on our phones. We wear so many different hats within one day, one week, a lifetime.

With hacky sack, somebody brought one to recess in sixth grade and it kind of all went downhill from there! The same with the yoyo's! One kid brought a yoyo one day and people started getting them. I just kept at it and found that I really loved it.

All of a sudden, one day, you're this boxer that everybody like, or you're this guy that people pass on the highway and wave at. The next day, you're this guy that everybody want to touch - be in touch with you. Then you think that this is the answer to all things.

I was told that, when 'Betrayal' was being produced by one of the provincial companies in England, the two actors playing those roles actually went into a pub one day and played that scene as if it were really happening to them. The people around them became very uncomfortable.

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