In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect ...

In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it.

Fascism is capitalism in decay.

Wealth accumulates, and men decay.

The essence of decay is inactivity.

See how time makes all grief decay.

Where wealth accumulates, men decay.

Progress, this great heresy of decay.

Mutability is written upon all things.

I sorrow that all fair things must decay.

The woods decay, the woods decay and fall.

Time is the speed at which the past decays.

A debt may get mouldy, but it never decays.

All things are subject to decay and change.

Trade's proud empire hastes to swift decay.

Thy decay's still impregnate with divinity.

Surely revival delays because prayer decays.

All perishes, all decays, all is born again.

An urban novelist never minds a little decay.

Without death and decay, how could life go on?

Too much freedom can lead to the soul's decay.

All composite things decay. Strive diligently.

Sound: always in a state of emergence or decay

Aging is not just decay, you know, its growth.

Reality TV to me is the museum of social decay.

Without adventure civilization is in full decay.

Expansion means complexity and complexity decay.

Soap, a cleaning product, can be made from decay.

All bodies are slow in growth but rapid in decay.

The only jewel which will not decay is knowledge.

Royalty is the gold filling in a mouthful of decay

For ivy climbs the crumbling hall To decorate decay.

The most fatal disease of friendship is gradual decay.

My way of life Is fall'n into the sear and yellow leaf.

The process of transformation consists mostly of decay.

All things that have form eventually decay." -Orochimaru

Life - a spiritual pickle preserving the body from decay.

It is the fate of all things to ripen, and then to decay.

Everything rises but to fall, and increases but to decay.

Middle age is youth without levity, and age without decay.

The porcelain rose is not as pretty as the one that decays.

Every high civilization decays by forgetting obvious things.

Abandon the secret chamber and the spiritual life will decay.

If those communities are left to decay, this city will decay.

When urbanity decays, civilization suffers and decays with it.

And so all growth that is not towards God Is growing to decay.

[H]istory assures us that civilizations decay quite leisurely.

We notice that the mind grows with the body, and with it decays.

When love begins to sicken and decay it uses an enforced ceremony.

All compounded things are subject to decay. Strive with diligence!

Flee sloth; for the indolence of the soul is the decay of the body.

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