All I want is the defining moment.

I think you only see experiences as defining moments with distance.

People have defining moments, i suppose, especially when they're children.

Press on. Your defining moment may arrive just when you feel surrounded by adversity.

When a defining moment comes along, you define the moment, or the moment defines you.

There must've been some part of me that wanted to make my mark. But there was never a defining moment.

That's a defining moment, there, when someone plays an instrument that everyone relates to around the planet.

Abraham is trying to obey God, but not to kill. I feel that moment is one of the defining moments of Jewish faith.

Tommy Hearns seemed like an indestructible machine, so to beat him, I think that was my defining moment, the pinnacle.

We all have life-defining moments. They are like open-book tests, but we don't know we have been examined until it is over.

As far as a defining moment, that was a hugely successful and very busy time for me. 1975, 1976, 1977 - that whole time frame.

In your life's defining moments there are two choices - you either step forward in faith and power or you step backward into fear.

For most entertainers, there is a single experience, one defining moment, when confidence replaces the self-doubt that most of us wrestle with.

Occasions for defining moments do not arise every day. When they do, we must seize the opportunities they present for improving everyone's life.

One sign of a great actor is when he can be alone by himself on the screen, doing almost nothing, and producing one of a film's defining moments.

But in life we don't usually get to choose the time of our defining moments. We just have to stand and face them when they come, no matter what sort of a state we're in.

There are defining moments in one's life when you learn about yourself, and you deposit that knowledge in the experience account, so you can draw on it at some later date.

...the truer measure of sacrifice isn't so much what one gives to sacrifice as what one sacrifices to give. Faith isn't tested so much when the cupboard is full as when it is bare. In these defining moments, the crisis doesn't create one's characterit reveals it.

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