I don't design my own clothes. It's so not what I think about.

My dreams are my work. I design out of the things that I love.

You cannot make a modern apartment out of a traditional space.

All the design companies together make 10% of what Ikea makes.

What we remember most about rooms we like is the 'atmosphere.'

Innocence does not protect you from the evil designs of others.

Nature's never quite Sure she hasn't erred In her vague design.

An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

I've gone to school for business, for design, for architecture.

In a democracy only will the freeman of nature design to dwell.

It is God's design to use reluctant servants to usher in glory.

When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.

The fusion of art and technology that we call interface design.

Art is the only place you can do what you like. That's freedom.

I want to design women's clothes just as much as men's clothes.

My whole life had been designing computers I could never build.

The public don't know what they want; it's my job to tell them.

Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

The best design tool is a long eraser with a pencil at one end.

Walking through the city streets... Is it by mistake or design?

When you have something truthful to say, it will design itself.

The ultimate design is little different from the natural world.

A failed experiment can be more important than a trivial design

By the year 2000 every secretary will have a favorite typeface.

I've always wanted to get involved with designing a video game.

Design work doesn't just satisfy requirements, it elicits them.

Design can overcome our most deeply rooted stranger-danger bias.

How do you design the product in a way so that it sells itself?.

If your advertising goes unnoticed, everything else is academic!

Aesthetic isn't simply about good design for good design's sake.

Design isn't risky - change is. Good design mitigates that risk.

To gain your own voice you have to forget about having it heard.

A brilliant design will always benefit from the input of others.

I was actually a communications major and had never done design.

Designers don't actually solve problems. They work through them.

I make solutions that nobody wants to problems that don't exist.

Complexity is one of the great problems in environmental design.

Deep downy upholstery is absolutely what I've always been about.

There's a difference between being obsessed and being motivated.

When designing a kitchen, always keep in mind the social aspect.

A garden without its statue is like a sentence without its verb.

It is difficult to separate oneself from one's design moralities.

A harmonious design requires that nothing be added or taken away.

I like to design my clothes; I design my jewelry, yeah. It's fun.

Luckily I don't have to buy shoes anymore, because I design them!

I don't think that success is the premise to what is good or bad.

I don't design. I don't paint. I absolutely never touch my works.

I'm opinionated. I always stick to my design plan. I don't waver.

The urge for good design is the same as the urge to go on living.

I like the body. I like to design everything to do with the body.

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