Today is the child of yesterday and the parent of tomorrow. The work ...

Today is the child of yesterday and the parent of tomorrow. The work you produce today will create your future.

I can't copy nature.

Reinvent yourself. Repeat.

True love knows no league.

I'm a very curious person.

I'm obsessed with jackets.

Simplicity is really hard.

It looks like frozen snot.

I am my brain's publisher.

Nothing should be noticed.

Good is the enemy of great.

The things I own are sacred.

Math is easy; design is hard.

I really wish I worried less.

Building design isn't trendy.

To me, flowers are happiness.

I love order and organization.

Ambition is a beautiful thing.

Middle management is a disease.

I like my customer to be fierce.

I collect vintage vinyl records.

You know I'm weak on good looks.

In life you need to take a risk.

The Swiss can be very difficult.

I collect books - a lot of books.

Awesome is loud but awe is quiet.

Tom Ford does everything perfect.

Ambition is a form of creativity.

High heels are pleasure with pain.

High heels empower women in a way.

I am more feminist than feminists.

No woman wants to have fat ankles.

To fly we have to have resistance.

Design does not really interest me

Wild flowers grow where they will.

I don't have the time to be bored.

Nobody needs another fashion show.

My parents weren't cultured people.

Design is a tool to help the tribe.

A car designer is really a sculptor.

I hate the whole concept of comfort!

I adore pretty things & witty words.

Microsoft is still not a black belt.

Everybody loves things that sparkle.

Not everything needs to be recycled.

I like to do things that are classic.

Love color. Take risks. Stay curious.

I would wear a turban to Whole Foods.

Design the life that you want to live.

Peace is the wait of the patient soul.

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