A detective story is just the premise for conflict, as a Western is.

What the detective story is about is not murder but the restoration of order.

The old detective story that's got a really complicated motive doesn't apply to mine.

It's like being involved in a detective story, looking for that thing that nobody else has found.

But the first published thing I did was a detective story, detective novel, and I did that on my own.

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story.

Anyone can write a detective story about a detective who fails, for Pete's sake. That's pretty unambitious.

I read science, because to me, that's extremely exciting. It's like a great detective story, and it's happening right in front of us.

There certainly does seem a possibility that the detective story will come to an end, simply because the public will have learnt all the tricks.

A publisher saw one of my historical novels and thought I would write an admirable detective story, so she offered me a two-book contract, and I grabbed it.

I did my very first film with Kirk in Detective Story when he was the greatest, greatest star in the world. I fell in love with him, had a crush on him then.

Most detective story readers are an educated audience and know there are only a certain number of plots. The interest lies in what the writer does with them.

I have never read horror, nor do I consider The Exorcist to be such, but rather as a suspenseful supernatural detective story, or paranormal police procedural.

Occasionally, I have written about stories related to crime, but I have never attempted a traditional detective story. So I want to write a true detective story.

I really believe that studying organization, even in the form of studying detective story organization, is very, very valuable for a playwright, a budding playwright.

It was really in the Golden Age, between the two world wars, when the pure detective story - of which the locked room mystery is really the ultimate form - became popular.

As I work, I see my writing - each scene, each chapter, each section, each book - in three-act structures and classic myths, and I analyze them through the handy filter of the detective story.

American violence is public life, it's a public way of life, it became a form, a detective story form. So I should think that any number of black writers should go into the detective story form.

If I'm home with no chore at hand, and a package of books has come, the television set and the chess board and the unanswered mail will have to manage without me if one of the books is a detective story.

I think it's amazing that the entire community of astronomy has done what it's done. We've been able to deduce the nature of time and space and where we all came from. It's the most amazing detective story in history.

Mysteries include so many things: the noir novel, espionage novel, private eye novels, thrillers, police procedurals. But the pure detective story is where there's a detective and a criminal who's committed a murder and leaves clues for the detective and the careful reader to find.

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