Divine Nature gave the fields, human art built the cities.

Grace renders us like God and a partaker of the divine nature.

My appointed work is to awaken the divine nature that is within.

the Divine Nature wounds and perhaps destroys us merely by being what it is.

As he is one, so we call Him God, the Deity, the Divine Nature, and other names of the same signification.

To be perfectly just is an attribute of the divine nature; to be so to the utmost of our abilities, is the glory of man.

Today a new faith is stirring: the myth of blood, the faith that along with blood we are defending the divine nature of man as a whole.

God's entire divine nature is wholly and entirely in all creatures, more deeply, more inwardly, more present than the creature is to itself.

Nothing in the universe is contingent, but all things are conditioned to exist and operate in a particular manner by the necessity of the divine nature.

However, as the Eastern churches have always maintained, through Christ creation is intended eventually to share in the life of God, the life of divine nature.

In the exercise of God's efficiency, the decree of God comes first. This manner of working is the most perfect of all and notably agrees with the divine nature.

We glorify the Holy Ghost together with the Father and the Son, from the conviction that He is not separated from the Divine Nature; for that which is foreign by nature does not share in the same honors.

Faith is not a notion, but a real strong essential hunger, an attracting or magnetic desire of Christ, which as it proceeds from a seed of the divine nature in us, so it attracts and unites with its like.

As for T.B. Joshua, I am a descendant of my family in Arigidi-Akoko in Ondo State, Nigeria - but as for the divine nature, the power of God affects my life to give peace to people, deliverance to people, and healing to people.

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