Donors do not reward good intentions.

Write a living will. And become an organ donor!

Charity with a smile shows the donor's character.

I hope more people decide to become organ donors.

Donors don't win elections; voters win elections.

Public financing would fix campaign donor problems.

Donors need to know what their money is being used for.

Charities must treat donors as if they were shareholders.

My donors have always tended to do much better than expected.

My goal is to spread the word about the need for more blood donors.

The only truly anonymous donor is the guy who knocks up your daughter.

I want to limit the effects of the power of donors, no question about it.

When laws are literally written now to make donors happy, we've got a problem.

Donors, like voters, increasingly expect candidates to exercise fiscal discipline.

The E.U. intends to be one of the biggest humanitarian donors on the Syrian crisis.

Those presents are the most acceptable which are enhanced by our regard for the donor.

I think you have a lot to offer... not necessarily as a person, but as an organ donor.

She's going to do what her donors want. That's who Nancy Pelosi is. Not remotely progressive.

I owe my life to blood donors. They went out, rolled up a sleeve and gave me another chance at life.

My view on candidates on money is unless it's proven that the donor stole the money, the campaign keeps the money.

That’s not a father. That’s a sperm donor. Forget him. He’s a mess. Concentrate on me. I’m terrific. (Linc Blaise)

Traditional charity is still fairly focused on how it makes donors feel as opposed to outcomes for people that need help.

You can't take money from the taxpayers out of the treasury to give it to pay off your political donors. That's corruption to do that.

As the state's top lawyer, I am empowered to protect nonprofit donors from fraudulent solicitations and charitable assets from misuse.

Raising money, like sausage-making, ain't pretty to see, and it would be just criminally naive to rely on the big hearts of big donors.

We are telling veterans they must sacrifice to pay for the pet projects and contracts to campaign donors of powerful members of Congress.

...if more people had been organ donors, unwinding never would have happened...but people like to keep what's theirs, even after they're dead.

But most importantly, we can all be donors. It does not matter how old you are, your race, where you live; all of us can give the gift of life.

Banks and donors and charities claimed to have had successes in Mozambique. I suspected they invented these successes to justify their existence.

I think it's the strength of the idea that's made Donors Choose work, not me. I mean, I'm determined, and I work hard, but so does everyone else.

Countries need to work in partnership with international agencies, donors, global experts, and one another in order to collectively end HIV/AIDS.

You can make pigs that are essentially much closer to being universal donors. If it works, their organs will be going into people like you and me.

Donors are sick of writing that $200 check to the Red Cross and not knowing whether it goes for the executive director's salary or the office rent.

The best way to end poverty is to simply give people work, which isn't considered 'sexy' among donors who want to fund a preschool or cure a disease.

Too many members of Congress seem willing to give corporate polluters, many of whom happen to be major political donors, a free pass to poison the air.

When donors visited the Black Panther Party, they came and saw our real programs, a real clinic, with real doctors and medics, giving service to people.

We are the biggest donor to the United Nations, contributing 22 percent of the regular operating budget and nearly 27 percent of the peacekeeping budget.

We would see another president being accused of being illegitimate, and undermined from day one, which is exactly what these donors did to [Barack] Obama.

The more you start prohibiting donors, the more you are going to have less blood in the supply. It's still not clear you can get it from blood transfusions.

We have emails from donors. We got thousands and thousands of emails here that have been leaked and dumped, and I can't find any reference to climate change.

In my home state of Maine, we've seen out-of-state groups with anonymous donors spend millions of dollars to campaign against issues that don't fit their agenda.

Despite broad public support, raising the minimum wage is always difficult owing to the disproportionate influence that wealthy firms and donors have in Congress.

Some charities treat donors like cash machines. Until now there hasn't been any effective way for them to provide a more personal or interactive giving experience.

Trump has predicated his whole campaign on the unfairness of the playing field. Big corporations, rich donors, big media, and trade deals that punish the little guy.

This apology is not just to Bernie Sanders. It is to donors. It is to anyone and everyone that clearly we offended. And the e-mails that were revealed that were hacked.

By the way, in Mrs. Clinton's returns, you saw a lot of income coming from donors to the Clinton Foundation and people who benefitted from her State Department term as well.

Democracy functions better when donors push politicians to win campaigns based on their defining issues instead of using financial pressure for policy changes, favors, or special access.

An institution of higher education is a partnership among students and alumni, faculty and administrators, donors and trustees, neighborhoods and more, to build a community - and a culture.

The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, and the related Accra Agenda for Action, are useful policy instruments that set out the mutual responsibilities of donors and recipient countries.

Once the violence has ceased, the US should immediately call on the World Bank and other international institutions to convene a donors conference to rebuild Lebanon's shattered infrastructure.

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