I think people really marry far too much; it is such a lottery after ...

I think people really marry far too much; it is such a lottery after all, and for a poor woman a very doubtful happiness.

Doubtful prayer is no prayer at all.

The fortune of war is always doubtful.

In doubtful matters boldness is everything.

I am doubtful about reuniting with David Dhawan.

Many of the historical proverbs have a doubtful paternity.

Everything is false, everything is possible, everything is doubtful.

They say of me, and so they should, It's doubtful if I come to good.

As a person I'm a little more doubtful, introspective and analytical.

As a person... I'm a little more doubtful, introspective and analytical.

In doubtful cases the more liberal interpretation must always be preferred.

He, who holds out but a doubtful hope of succour to the afflicted, denies it.

In necessary things, unity; in doubtful things, liberty; in all things, charity.

Strictly speaking, it is doubtful that a photograph can help us understand anything.

It is doubtful we can be Christian in anything unless we are Christian in everything.

A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity.

All who consult on doubtful matters, should be void of hatred, friendship, anger, and pity.

Are we a Christian nation now? It's doubtful. But did we start out as one? Without question.

Working as a model is high-speed, and my own work in every sense is super slow and doubtful.

It is doubtful that anyone has contributed more in a lifetime to the overall coverage of cricket.

It's doubtful that any fiction worth reading has been produced on a computer running Windows Vista.

When regard for truth has been broken down or even slightly weakened, all things will remain doubtful.

I cannot explain it; but when difficulties arise, I am not perplexed or doubtful. I know how to meet them.

I cannot explain it; but when difficulties arise, I am not perplexed or doubtful. I know how to meet them.

It is doubtful what fortune to-morrow will bring. [Lat., Posteraque in dubio est fortunam quam vehat aetas.]

A man was meant to be doubtful about himself, but undoubting about the truth; this has been exactly reversed.

I didn't want to do music. I was very doubtful. I was like, 'Oh my God. No one wants to hear a teen mom rapper.'

A doubtful friend is worse than a certain enemy. Let a man be one thing or the other, and we then know how to meet him.

For the last half of my life I have had the doubtful benefit of a brother whose literary reputation is much greater than my own.

The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing when it is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors.

And we've become very doubtful of our information sources, because they're all controlled by these huge multilateral corporations.

I would love to go on 'MasterChef'. But while I really like cooking, I'm doubtful anyone would ever want to pay for what I'd cooked.

Beware prejudices. They are like rats, and men's minds are like traps; prejudices get in easily, but it is doubtful if they ever get out.

In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education.

All those who offer an opinion on any doubtful point should first clear their minds of every sentiment of dislike, friendship, anger or pity.

The human mind has to ask "Who, what, whence, whither, why am I?" And it is very doubtful if the human mind can answer any of these questions.

Delaying and withholding tactics, red herrings, partial and doubtful outcomes are stock in trade for fiction writers, especially crime writers.

I was doubtful whether I can play overly glamorous characters, as I am not slim. But, I was amazed at the kind of fame that came my way in Tollywood.

Pay attention to how you think and speak, and if it turns out that you're sounding snide or crappy or doubtful, make the conscious decision to change.

Had Barack Obama been obliged to take his degree at the University of Akron, say, it is doubtful that his progress would have been remotely as stellar.

My parents were always doubtful about my making a living as an artist. Even when I was up for the Turner Prize, my mum suggested I apply for a curator's job.

I put forward formless and unresolved notions, as do those who publish doubtful questions to debate in the schools, not to establish the truth but to seek it.

Nothing seems to me more doubtful than Aristotle's remark that it is probable the arts and philosophy have several times been discovered and several times lost.

What we still haven't done is really learned and embraced our history. When we do that, we'll no longer be doubtful and fearful that we are weak and incomplete.

I was a little doubtful about the propriety of going to the Mammoth Cave without a gentleman escort, but if two ladies travel alone they must have the courage of men.

It may be doubtful, at first, whether a person is an enemy or friend. Meat, if not properly digested, becomes poison; But poison, if used rightly, may turn medicinal.

The Vietnam War and the Iraq war, in different ways, both made me feel like I could not not address them. I'm very doubtful about the usefulness of poetry to do that.

Although a skillful flatterer is a most delightful companion if you have him all to yourself, his taste becomes very doubtful when he takes to complimenting other people.

So far I, at least, have no fault to find with implications of Hamilton's Federalism, but unfortunately his policy was in certain other respects tainted with a more doubtful tendency.

My personality is a personality where I get really, really nervous and doubtful about almost everything, which is always a work in progress to build up my confidence a little bit more.

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