Don't underestimate the value of a great hair dryer.

All you needed back then was a blow dryer and a dream.

I love folding clothes just out of the dryer because they smell so amazing.

You know when pillowcases come out of the dryer and they get really wrinkled? I iron them.

I am in total silence when I write - I don't even like the sound of the dryer going - I like the quiet.

Apartment living is tough action. Just the whole idea that you share a washer and dryer always freaked me out.

Women were going back to work, they were assuming their own power. They didn't have time to sit under the dryer.

What kind of woman irons her husband's sheets? Even the clothes I wear, I just throw 'em in the dryer with some golf balls.

I used to have a blankie, and when my mom had to wash it, I would sit outside the dryer and watch it go round and round, and cry.

I do not like people touching my underwear. That's just weird! I travel with a washer and dryer, and I like cooking on the bus, too.

I try to shampoo and condition it at least once a week. I do deep conditioners as well and sit underneath the hair dryer and everything.

'Star Trek' never grabbed me. Every time I hear about Klingons, I think of those little lint balls that stick to your clothes in the dryer.

I think the Canadian sense of humor is dryer than America's and juicier than Britain's. I think it's a cross between the two of them, really.

GE Appliances has agreed to give my mom a whole kitchen's worth of new appliances and a washer and dryer, and all I need to do is shout them out.

When my parents got divorced, I wanted to spend my time laying in the garage listening to the washer and dryer. Loud, immersive, changing. It was music to me.

It's rather fun writing a female spy, because she has so much more kit. Bond never carried a hair dryer or a makeup bag. And he certainly didn't wear an uplift bra.

My hair is naturally curly, and in the 80's, even though I experimented with different lengths, I generally wore it curly. Since then, I've learned how to use a blow dryer and flat iron.

My special thing as a kid was to play dead because I thought I was really good at it. When I was 7 or 8, I even did it in the bathroom with a hair dryer in the bathtub. I realized that I was good at it because each time my mom would scream.

I use my Bionic flat iron and hair dryer, all shampoo and conditioners are sulfate free, and keep the blow-drys to a minimum. If I can go two to three or even four days without washing my hair, I'll just go for it. I know, sounds gross, but otherwise, I'd be frying my hair.

If you're a New Yorker, there are two things that are most important: a car and a washer and dryer. Literally everyone else in America has those things! It's so weird to them that these are our luxuries. You can eat at Per Se every night, but I don't have a car or washer and dryer!

American women are so fortunate. When I got married, all I wanted in the world was a dryer so I didn't have to hang up my diapers. And now women have paper diapers and all sorts of conveniences in the home. And it is the man and the technology that has made the home such a pleasant place for women to be.

I watched a lot of television as a kid, and the suburbs to me - that was exotic! Like, a mom and dad who lived in the same house and had jobs and cooked breakfast at the same time every morning and did laundry in a washing machine and dryer? That was like, 'Woah! Who are they? How do you get to be like that?'

After I shower and put in all my products, I hang out with the diffuser with my head flipped over for five to seven minutes. But before I use a hair dryer, I'll towel-dry my hair. Actually, drying your hair with an old T-shirt is a great trick. It helps to get all the extra water out, without bringing on frizz.

People talk about the hair dryer and all this with Sir Alex Ferguson. What was really great about him, whatever happened in a game, he would spend whatever minutes it took him to get this out of this system and say whatever needed to be said. Once he said, 'Get your bath,' that was it. We knew that it would never return.

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