I went to Israel when the missiles were falling there.

If you're gonna fall apart, do it in your own bedroom.

In what language does rain fall over tormented cities?

A species divided against itself will eventually fall.

I'm a magician, like David Blaine. I could never fall.

I warn you not to fall ill, I warn you not to get old.

It's not how you fall that counts.. It's how you get up

One can fall into the soft bigotry of low expectations.

Our republic and its press will rise and fall together.

My way of life Is fall'n into the sear and yellow leaf.

You are the one, I think I'm in love... life has begun.

Falling and getting back up is what brings you success.

One falls to the ground in trying to sit on two stools.

Never curse a fall. The ground is where humility lives.

Practice not-doing and everything will fall into place.

There's rises and falls and ups and downs in all music.

Some may consider this a problem, I easily fall in love

I cling to nowhere until I fall - the crash of Nothing.

If we get too far ahead of ourselves we will fall over.

That's how children deal with terror, they fall asleep.

I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.

Failure is not falling down, it is not getting up again

One cannot fall in love, really; one has to be in love.

If you're not falling, you're not training hard enough.

Behold congenial Autumn comes, the Sabbath of the Year.

Businessmen should stand or fall on their own two feet.

Success is getting up one more time than you fall down.

It is okay to fall, but not okay to stay on the ground.

Every day a piano doesn't fall on my head is good luck.

I'm running because I think the world is falling apart.

There is no salvation for the soul but to fall in love.

True wit, to every man, is that which falls on another.

Who shall dare to talk of strength when David can fall?

Tip the world over and everything loose falls into L.A.

When your mind opens, the whole world falls into place.

Let me fall out of the window/ With confetti in my hair

No man can fall into contempt but those who deserve it.

Be patient and keep faith. It will all fall into place.

A fall from such a height is rarely straight downwards.

Whats better than followers, is actually falling in love

It took courage to let things fall apart so beautifully.

Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new.

Betrayal isn't ridiculous. It's the reason empires fall.

There is a harmony In autumn, and a luster in its sky...

Since in reality all is void, Whereon can the dust fall?

If you're not ready to fall, you're not ready to hurdle.

A girl doesn't notice unfairness until she falls in love

One must be businesslike, although the glass is falling.

I loved The Fall; I was kind of obsessed with that show.

Love likes not the falling fruit, Nor the withered tree.

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