My family background was deeply Christian.

The revolution is carried out by means of one's thought.

I think the way country music is set up, we all came from a family background.

My family background was heavily slanted toward business and seafaring matters.

I have enormous respect for people who come from a strong family background in Fine Gael.

The revolution is carried out by means of one's thought, not through one's family background.

My family background has always been very supportive. They're going to be there for me no matter what.

I was not somebody who watched a lot of films. We couldn't afford to. We came from struggling family background.

Bowen is a Welsh name and the family background is more rugby than football, but we're English through and through.

Given my family background, whenever, as a child, I was asked about becoming an actor, I used to answer in the negative.

Children from a given family background, when put in schools of different social compositions, will achieve at quite different levels.

I don't come from money or an educated family background or any sort of supportive family life, so all of my choices are made on my own.

I know where I am headed and how will I evolve. There's nothing stopping you. I don't have a family background on films, and I will need to work for it.

Social immobility is driven by family background, instability in childhood and often by parents who don't know how to give children the right start in life.

In Manipur, mostly the top player's family background is very poor. I also come from a poor family, so we have to do more hard work to get money and a better life.

Seriously, I wanted to be an artist because I saw that it meant endless possibilities. I came from a badly managed family background, so art was a way of reinventing myself.

I really don't know what makes a comedian. I think it's a family background and environment. Yet if you put the same ingredients in another person, he may never utter a funny line.

I believe God takes the things in our lives - family, background, education - and uses them as part of his calling. It might not be to become a pastor. But I don't think God wastes anything.

I come from a very common family background in a small village, and getting an opportunity from home state to represent the state for an important and sensitive work is an honour for me and my family.

I do write long, long character notes - family background, history, details of appearance - much more than will ever appear in the novel. I think this is what lifts a book from that early calculated, artificial stage.

I don't expect to ever put my family background to rest but I do expect to be taken seriously as a scholar, a writer and a Latin Americanist on my own terms, not defined through my parents and their history or politics.

I came from a folk-family background. Although we weren't really the all-singing, all-dancing-around-the-piano folkies or anything like that, there is that idea of singing and playing with your parents and your family and your cousins.

My family background is Mexican, and I was born in Chicago. It's pretty much family tradition every time we get together for Christmas and major holidays to sing. Our family time is centered around the food and a little bit of performing for one another.

Los Angeles is such a great meritocracy. Where can someone with my background - don't have the right family background, the right religion, the right provenance or whatever you want to call it - I come here and I'm accepted. The city's been good to me. And I want to give back.

Further Education should be about the ability to learn, not the ability to pay - everyone who is able should have the opportunity, regardless of their family background. I don't want to see students struggling with huge debts or frightened off even going to university in the first place.

Almost any American can connect on some level to a family background of having come across some ocean. They say, 'My great-grandparents came from wherever... this is why we have this last name, why we do this thing at Christmas.' All the details get watered down but don't quite disappear.

My family background really only consists of my mother. She was a widow. My father died quite young; he must have been thirty-one. Then there was my twin brother and my sister. We had two aunts as well, my father's sisters. But the immediate family consisted of my mother, my brother, my sister, and me.

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