It is great to have some stability for myself, not only for myself but my family as well.

There has been a lot of movement in my family, but in a way, it has been great. It has made me adaptable. I can plonk myself anywhere.

It's great to see that kind of support online. For people to be messaging myself, my nan and the rest of my family, all the support has been great.

My pride at wearing the Irish shirt was always 100 per cent genuine. It was a great honour for myself and my family and something I will always cherish.

I have a great family myself so I know if you don't have a family you've got nothing. Nothing else can take the place of the family - not girlfriends or a career.

I'm just lucky to have great parents. My sister's an actress. My brother's a musician. I found it hard growing up in such a... creatively driven family. I wanted to have this thing to create, myself.

Overall, Twitter has been a great tool for myself and my family as far as promoting our charity and the events we do and really just kind of interacting with our fans. But it can be in the negative form, and guys have to be careful.

I mean, I think having a great family like I do. You know, I tend to want to give it all I have when I'm at the golf course, and then when I leave I don't want to think about golf at all. And I just remind myself almost daily that golf's just my job, it's not who I am.

Most of my characters are an amalgamation of people that I've met, my family, or myself. Being a writer, you can draw only from what you know. I am lucky to have really rich and interesting people in my family for, you know, interesting family nights and great characters.

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