I like Detroit a lot.

I made a gym in my garage.

I don't know what a losing habit is.

I never really played in an empty gym before.

Basketball players can adapt to any situation.

I really miss Syracuse and the guys on the team.

To be competitive on the court is just a fun thing.

I've earned everything I have; that's the attitude.

I was No. 1 in college at Syracuse. I've been No. 1 a lot.

I want to be out there playing just as much as everybody else.

With my size and length I can affect the game in a lot of ways.

Coach Kidd has taught me a lot just from the point guard position.

I've always dreamed big, and I've accomplished a lot of my dreams.

I think I'm pretty good at pressuring the ball, forcing turnovers.

I want to go to the NBA and be an All-Star, to be honest with you.

Since I've been in the NBA, I've showed what I can do on the court.

I work too hard to let something affect me that's already happened.

My IQ for the game is very high. I think that will help me out a lot.

Me and Jason Kidd are with the same agency so I talk to him quite a bit.

When it comes time for basketball, everything else is kind of irrelevant.

In my mind, I slowed down and I feel like I translated it over into my game.

My body language, it doesn't have anything to do with my coaches or my teammates.

If you work hard and you're somewhat talented, you'll be successful in this league.

Everybody knows that Coach Cliff is a great guy - on and off the court, he's great.

I have a lot of confidence in myself and Philadelphia has a lot of confidence in me.

I'm going to continue to work on my shot every single day, and just try to improve that.

To go against the Miami Heat is just a blessing. I'm going to go out there and have fun.

It is great to have some stability for myself, not only for myself but my family as well.

It's a great feeling to be coming home and getting a chance to see my family and friends.

I believe that I'm one of the best defenders in this league; I take a lot of pride in that.

If I can positively affect the team, then it also works for myself. That's really my mindset.

It's a great opportunity to get picked top 10 in the draft. It's just a dream that I've always had.

I always had an interest in fashion, and when I got to the NBA, I felt like I had to up my shoe game.

I had some other interests. Orlando is definitely the place I wanted to be though, from the beginning.

Once I got to the NBA I wanted to continue to work with the Special Olympics and those with special needs.

I just want to bring positive energy. When I'm out there, be a leader on the floor - do the little things.

I put in the work, got in the weight room and really worked hard and really built confidence within myself.

Being traded a couple times - and I've been traded after winning Rookie of the Year - is out of your control.

I think a lot of the time, when things were going wrong, I would get blamed for things because I was the point guard.

I always try to go in there and stick to my base, which is the defensive end, and then just let the offense come to me.

I try to do my best to trust my teammates and make plays at the same time. I'm not the greatest at it. But I'm learning.

I can go home and be mad, but I have to stay upbeat and stay positive for my team and do anything I can to help them win.

I stay after practice to go over the playbook. I watch film. I'm constantly trying to stay as close to the curve as I can.

I'm just looking to go out there and win and do whatever I can to help my team win. I just want to be helpful on the floor.

I've learned to play you know the backup point guard spot and to play on the wing if need be, and it's something I embrace.

I've been dealing with the Special Olympics since I was young. On Sundays I used to go help monitor little soccer practices.

I would love to be part of more partnerships and help develop new campaigns that celebrate Milwaukee and support local business.

I still have a lot of confidence in my offensive game. I try to get guys involved and get in the lane, but defense is my backbone.

Honestly, I chose 1 because I wore it in college and my rookie year. My mind wasn't even thinking about D-Rose and everything like that.

When I was a rookie, what motivated me was trying to win Rookie of the Year and play the best that I could that I would compete so hard.

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