Kareena Kapoor is a rare film star.

I think you have to really, really want to be a film star.

I wanted to be a martial arts film star when I was a teenager.

I want to become a Hollywood film star. I genuinely would love to be in some movies.

The only thing more intimidating than a huge international film star is your mother-in-law.

In an ideal world, it would not take a film star to get the media focused on mental illness.

Ram Rahim was not a spiritual leader but a lowgrade film star that the media enjoyed talking about.

I wanted to be Anthony Hopkins and ended up being neither a film star nor having a career on the stage.

I'm still Sean that me mates went to school with, not Sean the film star. And that's the way I prefer to be.

There is no other occupation in the world that so closely resembled enslavement as the career of a film star.

As an actor, I am delighted that Innocent has busted the myth that a film star would never win an election in Kerala.

I'm not a film star, I am an actress. Being a film star is such a false life, lived for fake values and for publicity.

Major film stars tend to do a film and then have a couple of months off. I'm not a major film star; I'm a jobbing actor.

Film was something I didn't really think about when I was young, because if you looked like me, you weren't a film star.

I was quite academic, quite geeky when I was a kid. I was more interested in going to school than I was in becoming a film star or something.

I cannot be expected to behave like a film star when I have decided to serve my people. They have voted for me with expectations, and I cannot take them for granted.

I do feel I have all the qualities of a film star but then why didn't I make it that big? I blame it on my destiny. I was not there at the right place at the right time.

A film star is a film star, and you can't take that away. Hence, I don't think about money when I do films, but I will do it for TV like the way I do it for endorsements.

When I saw Spencer Tracy in 'The Old Man and the Sea,' I realised the distinction between being an actor and a film star. He was both, and I, too, resolved to try and be both.

India means everything to me. It is my homeland. India is my country. It is here that I have gotten love and affection as a film star from millions and millions of my fans over the last five decades.

My idea is just to do something different each time; the next thing I do has to be completely different to the thing I've done before - that's what I try and do, because you know, I'm an actor, not a film star.

I have a very 'theatre' face. I have what they call a wide mask. I probably would have been a big film star in the '20s with the silent films where they used a lot of key lighting, and make-up carved out your face.

Being the offspring of English teachers is a mixed blessing. When the film star says to you, on the air, 'It was a perfect script for she and I,' inside your head you hear, in the sarcastic voice of your late father, 'Perfect for she, eh? And perfect for I, also?'

My wife comes with me on all the movies, but she is not an appendage to a film star or anything like that. She is a completely intertwined partner. She is the other half of me. Also, we're still very much in love with each other. We always have been, we always will be.

For me, a diva is like the great opera singer, the great film star - out of reach, in their own world, with a real gift for invention: attention-demanding performance artists with a flamboyant, compelling sense of their own importance so special and inimitable it verges on the alien.

When you're a kid, I think you want to be a film star. And I'm not as enamoured with that any more. The reality of that life is a lot of travel, and a lot of being away, which is impractical because I have four children, so I don't want to be away that much, not the other side of the world away.

Actually Maddy is my name. But I feel that whenever you address somebody, there needs to be certain amount of dignity rendered to it - irrespective of whether it's a film star or somebody you are fond of. I find it very pleasing when somebody refers to me as 'Mr. Madhavan' or 'Sir' or 'Mr. Maddy.'

In terms of the film itself, there was nothing much very new about 'Star Wars.' 'Star Wars' was a trailblazer for the kind of monumentalist pastiche which has become standard in a homogeneous Hollywood blockbuster culture that, perhaps more than any other film, 'Star Wars' played a role in inventing.

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