Seek what you know as the highest. It does not matter whether it is ...

Seek what you know as the highest. It does not matter whether it is going to happen or not - living with a vision itself is a very elevating process.

Devotion means a profusion of life.

If it is conditional, it is not love

Discrimination will impair democracy.

Nothingness is the basis of everything.

A guru is not a crutch, he is a bridge.

Growth by accumulation only is sickness.

Life is not outside of you. You are life.

Meditation is the nourishment for flowering.

Meditation means ultimate freedom within you.

Children never seek happiness: they are happy.

When the Divine descends, you just accommodate.

Yoga is not Indian; it does not belong to India.

Confidence without clarity is always a disaster.

Corruption has seeped into every section of life.

Essentially, yoga means dissolving your identity.

Inward is not a direction. Inward is a dimension.

Are you here to experience life or think about it?

Most people are ego-sensitive, not life-sensitive.

Yoga means to unite the limited with the unlimited.

Conclusion means death. Confusion means possibility.

Whatever happens - ultimately, life corrects itself.

Meditation means to awaken new dimensions within you.

A beard doesn't grow only on gurus; it grows on all men.

When we are young, revolution is the most romantic thing.

It is the pain of ignorance which makes one into a seeker.

Time and space are just projections of your consciousness.

Even if the flower is no more, still, the fragrance can be.

I barely belong to this world, but still I'm participating.

What you see as cosmos is a living mind - intelligent space.

Being mentally ill is not a joke. It is a most painful thing.

The first step towards knowing is to see that you do not know.

Spirituality is a boundless ability to respond and experience.

The most enduring sort of power is realizing the power within.

Most of the time you are thinking about life, not living life.

Meditation means to go beyond the limitations of body and mind.

Successful people suffer because they work beyond their energy.

No yogic practice is performed without cleansing the body first.

In yoga, you never chase an experience - you only prepare for it.

Higher dimensions of Awareness means Higher dimensions of energy.

A Guru is not someone who holds a torch for you. He is the torch.

Only if you are joyful, you can be free from the fruit of action.

Devotion means your involvement with life is no more conditional.

The highest force in existence is consciousness, and you are that.

Only in unawareness you are mortal. In awareness you are immortal.

If you look at creation the way it is, it is explosively beautiful.

All beliefs will crash somewhere. Only reality will sustain itself.

The very purpose of life is to reach the highest possible flowering.

Spirituality means to put your evolutionary process on fast-forward.

Death is not a disaster. Too many births - that is the real disaster.

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