Now I have the bravery to do fine things.

Good birth is a fine thing, but the merit is our ancestors.

You can't do a fine thing without having seen fine examples.

What a Devil is the Plot good for, but to bring in fine things?

Justice is such a fine thing that we cannot pay too dearly for it.

I think a sentence is a fine thing to put a preposition at the end of.

Persons are fine things, but they cost so much! for thee I must pay me.

Occasionally, a re-enactment is a fine thing. I love Civil War re-enactments.

It's almost impossible to read a fine thing without wanting to do a fine thing.

The pleasure of criticizing takes away from us the pleasure of being moved by some very fine things.

I'm back with my own kind of people here now, the bums and drinkers and no goods and it is a fine thing.

Did you hear? You are free." Yessss. Choice. It is a fine thing. And I choose to take you back, Most High.

To be vested with enormous authority is a fine thing; but to have the on-looking world consent to it is finer.

Tradition is a fine thing. Nothing comes out of the blue, except perhaps thunderbolts and they are not really very useful things.

Say it isn't true That there always has been and always will be war Say it isn't true And apart from all the fine things that man has struggled for Say it isn't true There always has been and always will be war

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