I came from Mechanicsville, Virginia, where you have four seasons.

I watch mediocre shows that have been on for three or four seasons, and feel angry at them.

I did five seasons of 'Baywatch,' and I did four seasons of 'VIP.' I've been around awhile.

You have to think like a designer. You have to establish the trend four seasons before it becomes popular.

Does Heaven ever speak? The four seasons come and go, and all creatures thrive and grow. Does Heaven ever speak!

There aren't four seasons a year in the mountains; there are forty seasons a day up there in those divine altitudes!

I like roses best. But they bloom in all four seasons. I wonder if people who like roses best have to die four times over again.

I look upon the judgment of right and wrong as the serpentine dance of a dragon, and the rise and fall of beliefs as but traces left by the four seasons.

So, if you look at what's common among some of the companies I have, including the Four Seasons, NewsCorp, George V, the Plaza, these are all irreplaceable brands in their own fields.

I intended to portray the joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure of our lives through four seasons and through the life of a monk who lives in a temple on Jusan Pond surrounded only by nature.

The first thing people look at with Four Seasons records is the vocals. But for me, the drum fills and rhythms are as much a part of it as anything. They're the base on which the harmonies were built.

To be honest, I'm a bit of a snob now; give me a Four Seasons anywhere in the world and I'm happy. Also, they've just opened a Ritz-Carlton in County Wicklow, Ireland, which is stunning and has great views.

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