In zoos, along with the animals, the humanity of man is also ...

In zoos, along with the animals, the humanity of man is also prisoned! No cage is humane!

If you love yourself first, you will find your Valentine much quicker!

If you love yourself first, you will find your Valentine much quicker!

Every tree is an angel!

Sincere wishes come true.

Courage refuses frontiers!

No fox is foxier than man!

To feel free, hide nothing!

The wind likes making jokes!

Being peaceful is being angel!

Use the hills to get stronger!

Every long travel changes man!

Where the sun sets, love rises!

There is a beauty in every hell!

Courage makes the things easier!

I have no boss but my conscience.

Shadows cannot harm the almighty!

Politics is the art of anesthesia.

Love is the rehearsal of Paradise.

In old age, mirror is not a friend!

Misfortune is mostly an awkwardness!

No good end exists for any dictator!

My best inorganic friend is science!

Under the storms, sun becomes a god!

Art is a hot soup in this cold world!

Solitude is the rebel of the freedom.

A gate to nature is a gate to heaven!

Wars can destroy everything but hope!

All the donkeys I knew had small ears!

High positions are full of low people!

Man is never out of range of surprises!

Silent streets have many things to say.

Forest is the best port of the wise man!

Ideas can be killed only by other ideas!

If you are after truth, leave your cave!

Bird cage is nice only when it is empty!

Wherever there are birds, there is hope.

Smile is a good reply to the dark world.

Stick to the honesty and never leave it!

A night without stars is a night wasted.

Industry of war is the industry of shame

Be like a flower, give hope to the world!

There is a great beauty in little things.

Walking in the nature is a reincarnation!

Paths to other paths must always be open!

Sunset is the opening music of the night.

Let the ideas clash, let the swords sleep!

For a great willpower, no road has length!

Heaven is where the reasonable people are!

May God protect us from all the religions!

Beyond the limits there lies other limits.

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