We have a George Foreman grill on the bus.

I've seen George Foreman shadow boxing and the shadow won.

I've seen George Foreman shadow boxing, and the shadow won.

All my sons are named George Foreman. They all know where they came from.

I think George Foreman must have gained about 350 lbs and is slow as ever.

Why would I stand there and trade punches and try to knock out George Foreman?

Fightin' George Foreman is like being in the street with an eighteen-wheeler comin' at you.

Look at what George Foreman did to Michael Moorer. No matter his age, he hits so hard that he's always in a fight.

George Foreman is back and he's in the middleweight division. That's the way I feel about fighting in my hometown.

I think there's a lot of people out there who, if George Foreman had to get beat, I'm the one fighter they would like to see beat him.

George Foreman acts more like my grandfather. He and my grandfather act just alike - they're both Christian type guys. They try to help everyone.

Look what the Rumble in the Jungle did for Zaire. No one had ever heard of Zaire until then. After Muhammad Ali fought George Foreman for the title, no one forgets it.

In the old days, when Muhammad Ali was fighting Ken Norton, Joe Frazier and George Foreman, there was a lot of excitement in the heavyweight division, I have to admit it.

We all think we've got one more boxing match in us, and that, probably, will be the downfall of Floyd Mayweather, George Foreman, Manny Pacquiao. We'll overstay our welcome.

For me, I believe George Foreman was a bad example because when he became world heavyweight champion again at 42, that made a lot of fighters think they could also carry on.

George Foreman. A miracle. A mystery to myself. Who am I? The mirror says back. The George you was always meant to be. Wasn't always like that. Used to look in the mirror and cried a river.

American Inventor', a show I came up with launched in 2006. It's all of America's greatest and wackiest inventions rolled into one with a judging panel including the legendary George Foreman.

George Foreman is easier and has the bigger name and have you noticed that Foreman never calls me out or ever mentions my name? He is afraid of me like most fighters are and most people want to forget about Larry Holmes, like he never ever existed.

I beat Larry Holmes and George Foreman. I whupped Mike Tyson twice. I had my ear chewed off and spat on the ground in front of me. I've seen everything it is possible to see in boxing. I know this business better than anyone. So I live and die by my own decisions.

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