I testify to you that God's pay is the best pay that this world or any other world knows anything about.

In this world you've just got to hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take whatever God sends.

Why should I apologize because God throws in crystal chandeliers, mahogany floors, and the best construction in the world?

I'm now working with some of the best songwriters in the world and Sia has written a song that has been given to me. Oh my God, it's just insane.

The best way in the world to deceive believers is to cloak a message in religious language and declare that it conveys some new insight from God.

I felt like the luckiest kid in the world because God had put me on the ground in Texas. I actually felt sorry for those poor little kids that had to be born in Oklahoma or England or some place. I knew I was living in the best place in the world.

If there's a God, and we have all this evidence that there's evolution, but He created the world only 6,000 years ago - what is the best and most logical explanation to reconcile those two things? I came up with - He came up with it, of course - that all things are fakeable.

The BBC must never be all about ratings - or even mainly about ratings. In the past year, we have made a raft of terrific programmes which stand comparison with the best the BBC has ever done: 'Blue Planet,' 'Walking with Beasts,' 'Son of God,' 'Clocking Off,' 'The Way We Live Now,' 'Conspiracy,' 'Lost World.'

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