I love cinema.

Age will flatten a man.

I look upon pride as a sin.

Imagine what you’ll know tomorrow

I don't analyze things like titles.

I don't direct movies for a living.

I think any stereotyping is too much.

I've never really known what glamour is.

I don't fight anybody anytime or anywhere.

Partnerships are good engines for narrative.

I enjoy acting more and more than when I was 17.

I'm an introspective guy when there's money in it.

I've made some bad movies. And I really enjoyed it!

Normal people with normal problems can be hilarious.

Human beings are glorious and preposterous characters.

I don't see people as groups, I see them as individuals.

I don't do anything that is not fun. I just don't do it.

I do not have a sense of humor of any recognizable sort.

I haven't had a lot of comedy come my way as a performer.

You know, I don't really think you have to play nice guys.

I want to make movies about my country from my point of view.

Lose the chrome-plated sissy pistol and get yourself a Glock.

I'm an actor, I'm always looking for work. I was born to do that.

I think any thinking person should be worried about climate change.

Kindness and politeness are not overrated at all. They're underused.

I personally don't live a nihilistic life, I don't have any use for it.

I always told my children when they whined... Only the boring are bored.

The world's not a very comfortable place if you have a nightmare to face.

I don't consider my private feelings to be relevant in any way, actually.

My home town is very small and very remote and we don't have a movie house.

Meryl Streep does not make mistakes. Sometimes the world just can't keep up.

I fear other actors who are not prepared. And I fear directors who are afraid.

I don't play just villains. I like to have parts that are not simply villains.

I still think probably the only thing I'm suited for is being a boy from Texas.

If you don't hurt anybody or try to steal anything, you'll be fine in the South.

The most important question in American cinema, I've learned, is 'When is lunch?'

I try as hard as I can for everything to be different from one movie to the next.

Characters with no integrity are just as interesting as characters with lots of integrity.

In the political world, the only position I have is voter. I'm not a spokesman for anything.

I don't think I would describe my sense of humor. Doesn't sound like the kind of thing I'd do.

Cormac McCarthy's language is perfect. He is in my view the greatest living American prose stylist.

I'm kind of pleased with myself that I've got a tailor on Savile Row. I'm 68 years old. I deserve it.

No director wants to be directed, but no good director... would shy away from the good ideas of others.

Al Gore has been one of my closest friends since the day we met, on the first day of college, 35 years ago.

As a child of West Texas, I identify with Hispanic culture every bit as much as I do North American culture.

Acting is fun for me and it doesn't really matter how, whether it's hard work or easy work, it's always fun.

In the course of American history, great steps are taken by ordinary people, and ordinary people are not perfect.

As an actor I want to do as many takes as I can. I wanna shoot the scene... or shoot the shot 'til they make me quit.

I think that no matter how much you don't like yourself or the drama of your life you can still find some comedy in it.

I have nothing against interviews. I don't pursue them. When people I work for deem it appropriate, I'm perfectly willing to serve.

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