God has blessed me with the gift of cheerfulness.

Baseball for me was instinctive, born within me, given to me as a gift from God.

You know, God gave me a gift to do other things besides play the game of basketball.

Being a singer is a natural gift. It means I'm using to the highest degree possible the gift that god gave me to use. I'm happy with that.

'Rise Up' is definitely my baby. I think it was a gift because, you know, it's like God just spoke to me and wrote that song. It's very powerful.

I used to be real cocky about what I do but then I realized it's not me, all of this is really God's gift and whenever He want to, He can take it away.

I have the gift of the gab, can talk and perform, but so can others. I can only attribute it to the fact that somebody up there likes me: it's remote-controlled by God.

I'm not really religious but very spiritual. I give money to this company that manufactures hearing aids on a regular basis. More people should really hear me sing. I have a gift from God.

I recognize that every role I play, I'm not going to play someone that has a ministry or that is a Christian, and I don't think that's what God has called me to do. The gift and talent that He's given me as an actor, director, producer is to entertain, sometimes to inform, most times to inspire.

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