God and I have a great relationship, but we both see other people.

I have great trouble with the people who envision AIDS as a punishment from God.

With 'Only God Forgives,' what's great about that movie is it just freaked so many people out.

A lot of people say, 'Hey, God doesn't have a sense of humor.' Yes, He does. God has a great sense of humor.

Mother Angelica is proof that we are not limited by other's perceptions, and that God sometimes calls the most unlikely people to great things.

People have got to let their bodies breathe a little bit more. That's the great thing about being a pompous, jumped-up rock god. There's plenty of air around you.

Near the gates and within two cities there will be scourges the like of which was never seen: famine within plague, people put out by steel, crying to the great immortal God for relief.

It's hard when something's bigged up because you want people to watch it, so you have to promote it. It'd be great if it was the old-fashioned days when there was no press, and you just switched on and thought, 'Oh, God, what's going on?'

The cultural center of Asia Minor, Pergamon boasted a vast library of 200,000 scrolls, a spectacular 10,000-seat theater, and a monumental Great Altar decorated with sculptures of the Olympian gods defeating the Giants. People came from all around the Mediterranean seeking cures at the famous Temple of Asclepius, god of medicine.

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