Whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God.

Once God puts something in your heart - you know, God talks to everyone different.

Pray for your mate. Ask God to soften your heart and show you ways to be a better spouse.

God authors desires in your heart, then fulfills His Will by enabling you to realize those desires.

Retire at various times into the solitude of your own heart, even while outwardly engaged in discussions or transactions with others, and talk to God.

Let the inner god that is in each one of us speak. The temple is your body, and the priest is your heart: it is from here that every awareness must begin.

Let me encourage you, if someone has wronged you, and you still get that cringing feeling on the inside when you see or think about that person, take it to God and allow Him to keep your heart soft and sensitive.

No person is perfect. I haven't, thank God, had any infidelity issues. But you can't say what you won't ever do. And you can't say that you won't have forgiveness in your heart if there were to be an issue like that.

There are several insights at the heart of the A's system that I think are wonderful for baseball. One, that it's a team game. That no one player is going to make that much of a difference to your team, so for god's sake don't go blow a quarter of your budget on one guy.

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