I have a strong work ethic.

I lived to make Scott Baio laugh.

Nobody makes me laugh like my wife.

This is an exact replica of my chest.

We've been called, and He has blessed.

I never thought of myself as handsome.

God continues to work miracles in my life.

I wanted to leave Eight Is Enough for the Navy.

I wanted to leave 'Eight Is Enough' for the Navy.

My wife bought an extra life insurance policy on me.

If there's comfort involved, it's probably not for me.

We produce programs that honor God and impact our world.

I think there are people that have very addictive personalities.

I never dreamed I would want to be or become a financial advisor.

I think as Christians we have to sponsor a national Lighten-Up Day.

This is not what I would have chosen. But I have a heart to be obedient.

I always felt as though, 'If nothing else, I have a successful marriage.'

I remember thinking, That's what I need - and that hope was in Jesus Christ.

When I was growing up, I didn't know there was a world outside of California.

It's easy to be led astray when you're so broken. People take advantage of you.

I don't think you need to go looking for the enemy. He's going to look for you.

When you're a celebrity, people think they know you, but they don't have a clue.

Hollywood has always been good to me. I've never blamed Hollywood for my problems.

I never thought I was particularly talented, and to be honest with you, I still don't.

I suppose what's unique about our presentation is the amount of Scripture that kids get.

Pray for your mate. Ask God to soften your heart and show you ways to be a better spouse.

We've both been married before and our previous experiences made us fearful of commitment.

The Jews know who they are as a people. The Christians have not come together as a people yet.

My pastor said, Just because you were a celebrity doesn't mean you're supposed to be a celebrity now.

There is no other person on the face of this planet that I would rather sit and talk to than my wife.

We're seeing how the videos translate to the live shows and how the technology is really reaching kids.

Being stubborn can be a good thing. Being stubborn can be a bad thing. It just depends on how you use it.

I've always been pretty tough in that way, where if you tell me I can't do something, I will prove you wrong.

No matter how I might feel about myself or my self-image, there is still a part of me that wants to fight to the end.

'Give up... it's time to quit,' I don't think I've ever really accepted those kinds of words in my life or vocabulary.

I had a lot of growing and a lot of denying of self to do. I am not easily won over, but when I am, I am completely won over.

I've watched a lot of my friends die, everyone from John Belushi, River Phoenix to Chris Farley. It just keeps going on and on.

I think that in the Christian community, we're lacking a lot of things, and I don't know that it's just children's role models.

When youre in that scene, you really wonder if this is all youre ever going to be. You know how vile and filthy you are inside.

If I'm going to follow a god, why would I want to follow a god of my creation? That would be an alcoholic idiot nitwit jerk god!

When you're in that scene, you really wonder if this is all you're ever going to be. You know how vile and filthy you are inside.

This show has been a major revitalization of my family life and personal life. It gave my family an avenue to speak to me honestly.

It's good that kids know the Scripture. It's best that they know the Scripture and get the concept. All I can say is, it's working.

I tell kids that people will let them down and people will hurt them. But Jesus Christ will never let them down and never hurt them.

I didn't become an actor because I wanted to act. Actually, I wanted to become a marine biologist. But most of all, I wanted to be accepted.

I want kids to understand that strength doesn't come from what goes on around you. It comes from inside you, and that comes from Jesus Christ.

When you go through a traumatic event, there's a lot of shame that comes with that. A lot of loss of self-esteem. That can become debilitating.

They did interviews with my wife and daughter-they were genuinely in fear of me having a heart attack, working 20 hours a day, eating fast food.

Cruise director is - I always laugh and say, 'He's the ship's liver,' because almost everything you can think of filters through you at some point.

I had never really pictured myself working in children's ministries. I always figured I would be more comfortable with maybe teens or adult ministries.

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