If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at the people He gives it to.

The Word of God is so much broader than people are giving it credit for. Look at Proverbs, a book written on how to live.

People think of science as rolling back the mystery of God. I look at science as slowly creeping toward the mystery of God.

Clearly a big challenge for Christianity is how to remain in contact with the millions of people who look for God but do not come to Church.

The song that starts with 'Neene Rama, neene Shama, neene Allah, neene Yesu,' is very profound. It exhorts people to stop looking for god everywhere and to instead look within themselves.

We shall stick it out to the end, but we are getting weaker of course and the end cannot be far. It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write more. For God's sake, look after our people.

As humans, we don't know what we should do. We don't have those instincts like God has given animals. We have to see to know where we are going. It is just a natural human emotion to look for people to emulate.

People are lost. Their feelings are based around material things, and because that doesn't make them happy, they look for something else: bullfighting or soccer, or they go travelling, off to India - and that's not right. You can't just decide, 'I'm going on holiday to India.' Only when God allows you to. You have to ask His permission to go there.

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