I was never good at being a boy, but I was always a good student.

I have never hurt anyone, and that pays back. I have always wanted good for everyone.

I can never tell if anything I do is really good. I'm always just slightly chagrined.

I never set out to be CEO. I always set out to be a good team member, a good colleague.

I was always thin. I guess I have good genes, so I never worried too much about my weight.

It's always good, when it comes to immigration, to always be paranoid. You can never be too paranoid.

My feeling has always been that 'Good Eats' would have never happened had it been left to a committee.

I always had good recognition from the Southern writers, but the publishers never took any notice of that.

The virtues, like the Muses, are always seen in groups. A good principle was never found solitary in any breast.

I've had many managers, and learned a lot from them, the good ones always stayed even-keeled, never rode the waves.

You can always imagine the unexpected and strive for it. You may never get there, but it's always a good thing to have.

Thence, I suppose, my natural disposition to make fresh acquaintances, and to break with them so readily, although always for a good reason, and never through mere fickleness.

I always have a good reason for taking something out but I never have one for putting something in. And I don't want to, because that means that the picture is being painted predigested.

I haven't always been warmly welcomed for holding my conservative positions in Hollywood. Then again, I've never been very good at being politically correct either, on or off screen. So why start now?

My dream was always to play for England, having grown up in the U.K . Playing India as part of my first test match was a coincidence, and it was never an issue. My job was to do a good job for England!

I never, ever, saw the evil Steve Jobs. He was always the most well-mannered and respectful guy I knew. And we got to be pretty good friends. He didn't suffer fools gladly. I guess he didn't think I was a fool.

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