It's great fun to play with a really good band.

Phish is such a good band; they just make stuff up as a jam band.

I never have any problem getting enthusiastic with a good song and a good band.

Any musician in any band - for a really good band - you know your part in the band.

Live are a really good band. I like Stone Temple Pilots, Radiohead I love. Even Oasis.

I loved playing the stuff we did in the Byrds. It was a good band. I was lucky to be in it.

Babyshambles were offered some money to have a comeback. Good band, they were - amazing tunes.

The reason Strapping Young Lad was such a good band was we were honest about what we were doing.

Finding a good band is Iike finding a good wife. You got to keep trying till you find the right one.

I don't want to single anyone out. I'll just say that there are a lot of not good band names out there.

I have a really good band, and just returned from a short tour in California. It hasn't always gone that well.

Deep Purple is a damn good band and we've made a niche in rock 'n' roll history. Maybe not a huge one but enough to be very proud of.

A good band is like a team. You want to have the right balance. It's not always the best people you need, but the right ones for the job.

Fame and all that type of stuff is inevitable, but I'm very content having a good band with no negativity, and everyone is on the same page.

Good songs are what a good band is all about. When you have a good song that stands up to the test of the time, that is the most important thing.

Horns really make a good band. They always create excitement when it's needed. They give the music a broader spread. It doesn't have to be all guitars and keyboards all the time.

Ah, the Wrecking Crew! They played on everything that came out of L.A. Oh, that was a good band. You really enjoyed going to work. You played for everyone; it didn't matter what it was.

The Jam were a good band, however I feel that the Style Council were better. A lot of people I know will disagree with me. Some things we did with The Style Council were misinterpreted or over their heads.

I really liked them, not just Syd, but all of them. Roger was very important, I thought, his contribution. And so was Rick's organ playing. It was a good band. It became something else completely, obviously.

Right now, I'm thinking in terms of just having a good band, man. Having a good act for the stage. Being a good performer, you know? Connected to that is future recordings, and future tunes, that kind of stuff.

It's valid that the Strokes and the Pleased have been influenced by some of the same bands. But it's invalid in the sense that we listen to the Strokes and try to sounds like them. I think that they are a good band.

We never considered ourselves to be a good band or anything, we just thought we were playing for fun and we wanted to play music that sounded like Black Sabbath or Soundgarden or the music we were into at that time.

I don't know if I miss it per se, but I do miss the fact that there just doesn't seem to be any rock 'n' roll out there anyplace. Everything does seem kind of tame. It's even hard in Manhattan to go out and find a good band to go see.

I think it's like music for the sake of music, and a lot of the words stem from liking music a lot, wanting to be a good band and having a good sense of humour, and living in a situation where we're free to pretty much do what we want.

Now I'm fortunate to have a good band in CA, and play many solo gigs as well. My point is that I stopped playing in bands and played solo for four years, to get back into the groove and pulse of writing and singing and who I am on stage.

Anyway, it fell through because they ran out of money. That was when I learned not to waste your time getting your hopes up or to believe something until it actually happens. We broke up for various reasons, but it was a good band. Jim and Don produced some magical music.

The sincerity of delivery is what always strikes me when I hear a good band. It's artist-expression driven, as opposed to being record-producer driven. There's a huge difference. One's motivation is impure, while the other is the highest form of expression, so that's what you aim for.

I'm still like a little kid about it, where I'm just so happy and excited that people want to come to our shows and watch us play. I still go outside the venues and take a picture of our name on the marquees. I still feel like I'm trying hard to be in a good band, I really do. And I think that's a healthy approach.

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