Testing is overrated.

Winning is everything.

I grew up in Brooklyn.

I've been dying to play.

You have to take chances.

Pure passion equals love.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

Hellyeah have great fans.

Never argue with a profit.

Life is a work in progress.

Life itself is exponential.

Got an issue, get a tissue.

You must own it to play it.

Courage is action, not talk.

Business is the salt of life.

Autumn is my favorite season.

Jacques Cousteau was my hero.

You only get better by playing.

I take my craft very seriously.

Music is my life. It is sacred.

I dig all kinds of competition.

I am just a guy who plays drums.

My parents really encouraged me.

If you're not first, you're last.

It's OK to take care of yourself.

I don't dig staying in one groove.

No collection without compensation.

On the beach, you can live in bliss.

Less is more, unless you're Al Gore.

Everyone is entitled to our opinion.

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

When I'm at home I practice everyday.

There are no rules to writing a song.

I love the farm, I love growing stuff.

The nurses were all angels in my eyes.

I get mad when people are against pot.

I feel really good in the teacher role.

I was always very extroverted and loud.

'The Will To Survive' is a great track.

If you think you stink, you probably do.

Every generation needs a new revolution.

I'm not Zappa, you know. I'm just Terry.

We used to drink an awful lot of alcohol.

Who is the architect? I am the architect.

I dare anyone to play like Charlie Watts.

I'm pretty proud of everything I've done.

The history of Pantera speaks for itself.

The piano is kind of my second instrument.

All I need is a big surfboard and a piano.

Hell hath no fury like a Democrat scorned.

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