There's nothing better than a good, blind referee.

There's nothing better than working up a good sweat.

To do nothing evil is good; to wish nothing evil is better.

There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.

Nothing better than a good laugh and giggling over a whole bunch of nothing.

There's nothing better than curling up with a good book and sitting in front of the fire on winter evenings.

You come to the planet with nothing and you leave with nothing, so you'd better do some good while you are here.

In the dressing room there is nothing better than when a good player walks through the door and the guys say 'I'm glad he's come along.'

When I've had injuries where there's nothing structurally wrong and I know it's just about gutting through? I have the ability to say, 'Get better. I'm good.'

It's volatile, the marriage. Which one isn't? Nothing better than a good, full-on row. Get it all out. Say rude and nasty things. And then be sorry. Genuinely sorry, afterwards.

The real use of AI in industry is generally for very narrow pattern-matchers - a better search algorithm, an object-detection algorithm, etc. These things are tools which we can use - for good or evil. But they're nothing like self-aware beings.

When I got the call to do a song for the sound track for this little movie that I was told was called 'Dancing Dirty,' I wasnt that wild about the idea. Probably no one would ever see it. What good would it do? But I said: 'What the heck... I've got nothing better to do.'

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