The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.

Ninety per cent of how you learn is watching great people. When you are surrounded by good actors it lifts your performance.

Ask me what makes a champion runner, and I will tell you it helps to have the great good sense to choose your parents carefully.

America is the mecca of boxing, and they've had some great champions here. It's good to establish your skills and let people know what you're about in the States.

I think birth and motherhood are not things that you're trained to do. You might have a good example in your own mum, but nobody teaches you how to be a really great mum.

I have a good cry once in a while; it's such a great release. Or it could be a cry of joy - watching your child being born or your child walking across a graduation stage.

A way you can get really good abs in film is you get your makeup artist to paint shadows - faux washboard. But if you see me in a movie and I have great abs, it means I have a great body double.

If you're on a budget, Sweetgreen is a new chain of salad bars that are very good but inexpensive. You choose from a menu or customise your own, with some protein, a healthy salad and a great dressing.

It feels great to have your own views reflected back to you, and you feel so right, but actually it's very dangerous. Because to make good decisions, you need to have a clear view of what all the options are.

One of the great joys of launching your idea on the web is that it's a meritocracy. The good stuff will rise to the top and find an audience, and you don't have to impress one idiosyncratic commissioning editor.

I could see that I was losing weight and sometimes I'd see a few good comments and that spiralled me to be like: 'This is how I need to stay.' No one cares whether your performance was good, or if you sounded great.

You start realizing that good prose is crunchy. There's texture in your mouth as you say it. You realize bad writing, bland writing, has no texture, no taste, no corners in your mouth. I'm a great believer in reading aloud.

Certain foods are good for preparing your body for an intense workout and giving you the energy you need to endure it. Others are great for after exercising to help you maintain calorie burning, build muscle, and prevent cramping.

The soaps are great training. You can form good habits - or you can form bad habits. You have to set your goals. If you're not clear on what you want, you can slip into bad habits. It can become a comfortable place, and you don't grow.

There's such a huge difference between a great arrangement of riffs and a song. Sometimes the two can be the same. But the difference is a song doesn't necessarily need a riff, whereas a riff doesn't necessarily mean you've got a good song on your hands.

Whenever you make the Super Bowl, so many things - you have to have the good general manager and the coach and the great players, and you have to have not too many injuries - everything, game plans and everything, has to fall very much your way for that to happen.

There are some jobs that you go for because achieving them would take your career in a direction that you would like it to go, but mostly, I want to play the roles and have had the great good fortune and opportunities to play some fantastic roles and been very, very fortunate.

You're well-spoken, or you're very analytical, or you're a great team-builder, or you're great with relationships... Playing to your strengths is always something good to build on because you're trying to develop a foundation to keep growing, as a professional and as a leader.

Kickstarter is such an amazing platform, it really is. It's something great for independent artists of all kinds because every musician and every artist needs help to produce the record, make the record. It's like the modern day patronage. It's turning to your direct fan. It's a good motivator too.

It's hard to be a celebrity nowadays. It's not about your track record anymore. If you have a great movie, you're good. If not, people are ready to write you off. I think the only ones who are really winning are people like Will Smith. People go, 'Oh, it's Will Smith. I've got to see him, whatever he's in.'

The whole college process for musical theatre majors is much different than others. The school sort of chooses you! Everyone knows which schools are the top schools and what tier each one is in. So if you get into a good school, you put it on your resume, and you already have a great reputation when you get to New York.

I don't want to be the guy who goes, 'Oh yeah, blah blah blah... everyone freaking well knows me.' Because that's not the case. Once in a while, someone will remember some silly thing I did and then they feel good. And they go, 'Oh, hey, Michael Bolton, I celebrate your whole catalog.' And I'm like, 'Great, great, I totally get it.'

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