No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough.

In the long run, you make your own luck - good, bad, or indifferent.

Nothing very very good and nothing very very bad ever lasts for very very long.

I think if you stop bad habits, and you stop long enough, you develop good habits.

In my long innings, I have seen many sunrises and many sunsets; many good and bad times.

It's a long journey. There will be good times, and there will be bad times, but SoftBank is always there.

Martina and I went through a very bad five years. Everything's very good between us now, but it was a long haul.

A book may be compared to your neighbour: if it be good it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early.

A book may be compared to your neighbor: if it be good, it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early.

Unfortunately, we're in a profession, and if you've got thin skin, you're not going to last very long. So you take the good with the bad.

Very bad roles were coming my way, and I didn't want to do them. Hence, I was doing small films like 'Delhi Belly,' where, though the footage wasn't long, the role was good.

An example of good debt is the debt on the apartment houses I own. That debt is good only as long as there are tenants to pay my mortgages. If tenants stop paying their rent, my good debt turns into bad debt.

I thought 'Back To You' was a good show. The writers' strike really kind of put an end to that, though, honestly. There were a couple of factors involved, but to start a show and then to have it disappear and not come back for that long... it's just bad form.

I think it's very important for every player after a long season, whether it's good or bad, to get total rest. Not just physically and mentally from basketball and the pressure on the court, but the pressures outside, too. Then, when you come back, everything's exciting again.

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