My favorite snack is caviar.

Life is supposed to get tough.

I cry a lot. I find great solace in it.

Tolerance actually does exist on Broadway.

The greatest sin is judgment without knowledge.

I think of houses as having their own personality.

'Macbeth' is a show I'm going to do again someday.

My life is a party thrown for me by my own decisions.

Actors are observers of human life, of human behavior.

I like audiences and performing and, you know... applause!

I think it's your duty to overcome what you inherit in life.

What I can control is how I react. I can't control anything else.

There's almost nothing better than a baguette and a pound of salami.

I know a lot of people who've lost their siblings and blame themselves.

I had a kind of romantic notion about being a Hollywood Errol Flynn type.

I've never really allowed anyone else to tell me whether I'm good or not.

There was one thing I loved a little bit more than surfing - and that was acting.

I've said nice things about the people I was with before, but that's what you do.

In camp when I was eight - a bunch of kids threw me outside naked. I got 'em back!

I've got this great home life I want to keep living, and I don't want to neglect it.

I hope they find some way to come up with a new story that involves Beast in my timeline.

'A Passage To India' by E. M. Forster - It opened my mind to a world I'd never known before.

Apologizes are pointless, regrets come too late. What matters is you can move, on you can grow.

That's the trick in this business: if you want longevity, just keep people guessing a little bit.

It takes me a while to figure things out. I usually have to repeat a lesson or two - maybe three times!

The mark of a man is one who knows he can' control his circumstances - but he can control his responses.

I don't know if I'm addicted to fame; fame is more of an unpleasant circumstance of an addiction to creativity.

No day-to-day mishaps or indignities can really compromise your sense of self after you've survived a deep tragedy.

It takes a very strange person to enjoy fame, with all the by-products that come with it. It's not necessarily a thrill.

I miss her in my bones. I was her big brother. I was supposed to protect her - I could not... It very nearly destroyed me.

Kayte is breast-feeding, and we do not have a nanny or a trusted baby-sitter at this time, so Faith goes everywhere with us.

Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you're listening. Playing the piano allows you to do both at the same time.

I went and did some things [rehab], and then of course my life didn't change that much [for a while], but I never missed work.

The idea of self-reliance is important to me, and that is echoed, in my way of thinking, by a conservative approach to politics.

I was brought up to never lie. Sure, I have. But in the final mix, the lies I've told are far outweighed by the truths I've lived.

I want to speak seventeen languages. When you think like that, you'll be consumed by failure. I'm haunted daily by what I don't know.

There are so many people that would be lined up to get their cut that even trying to finance a reboot of 'Frasier' would be nightmarish.

For every story you hear that's tragic, there's another that's equally tragic or more so. I think you come to look at it as part of life.

Alexander Pope once wrote that the theater aspires to wake the soul by gentle strokes of art - to raise the genius and to mend the heart.

I'm someone who likes to try new things and take on new challenges. I love making movies, but TV is also great. I really enjoy doing both.

As a Christian, we always fail because we can't become Christ. But I can try to at least emulate the best qualities, even if I may fall short.

I love to sit down and have my drink in the afternoon. It's so lovely if there's no noise, no calamities, no children that have to be attended to.

As you wrestle with life... You're going to come out on the other end healed... I've fallen short sometimes, and I've risen pretty high a few times.

I got fired when I was a dishwasher at Denny's. That set me back a little bit. You don't realize how important dishwashers are until you do the job.

Different things made 'Cheers' and 'Frasier' special. Both of them, though, were honest. It was the old Shakespeare thing: Hold the mirror up to life.

The first thing I thought [when I read the script] was that Frasier was an intellectual at some points but also an Everyman - flawed and very insecure.

I don't tend to warm too well to people that tell me how I'm supposed to think. So, my life in Hollywood - I'm afraid I was destined to be a Republican.

While it is tempting to play it safe, the more we're willing to risk, the more alive we are. In the end, what we regret most are the chances we never took.

Frasier will always hold a special place in my heart. He's a great character I Ioved playing, and he's still a wonderful part of my life. But he was a lot of work!

The tone of political assessment has changed. And honestly, the battle for the hearts and minds of the American people has taken on a bit more of a violent and narrow approach.

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