A cute outfit can really make your day. If I wear something I look good in, my mood just goes way up.

I can lift weights every day and I'm not going to look huge, but it's good to get in the weight room every now and then.

Almost every day, someone asks if I ever flat iron my hair. I say, 'No, because I'm afraid it wouldn't look good and wouldn't come back curly.'

My Helmut Lang leather pants are my most treasured possession - I've worn them almost every day for two years, and they look good with everything.

That's what it's all about for Trump. It's always about winning - winning for Trump, by making him look good in each day's reality-television production. It's never been about the country.

And then the really awful thing is that at the end of the day after crying and experiencing things, then you look at what you've written and you're like, 'Hmm, there's half a page that's good here.' Then you throw out everything else.

In 50 years - or 20 years, or 200 years - our current epistemic horizon (the Big Bang, roughly) may look as parochial as the horizon Newton had to settle for in his day, but no doubt there will still be good questions whose answers elude us.

When I watch video, I try to watch the good starts so I can see how my mechanics are in those. Every once in a while, I'll look at video starts that I struggled, and sometimes in those, there is no mechanical problems; it's just, didn't have good stuff that day.

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