I've been listening to a lot of Hollies stuff lately, and it's beginning to sound pretty good to me.

I took a good one year off before and after Haroon's birth, so from the beginning I have been right into it. For me, it was quite seamless.

I had a really tragic cut at the beginning of Season 2 of 'Ally McBeal.' Someone convinced me that it would be good to layer my hair. I basically looked like Ronald McDonald.

When I went into film, it never occurred to me that I wouldn't be able to do whatever I wanted to do. Maybe that was a good thing in the beginning. I had blinders on, and I charged forward.

The thing for me is - and one of the reasons I was never a fan of Goldberg in the beginning when everybody was like 'Oh, he's so good! - I was like, 'No, he's terrible, he's hurting people,' and there's nothing else. He just has three-minute matches.

I have always been good at auditioning, but maybe because I had a good trick at the beginning. I would pretend that my agent gave me the wrong scene or lines. They would take pity on me and hand me the right scene. I would act like I had never seen this before - and then do pretty well considering I had already rehearsed it.

At the beginning, Edo was a photographer, and I was more of a talent scout and doing styling and modelling. Then all of a sudden, in 1977, he gave me a Polaroid camera, and I discovered that instead of having to go to a lab and develop the film, I could just take a click and get a picture! It was genius, and I was very good at manipulating it.

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