'Dexter' has been very, very good to me. I would rather stop doing it than cheapen it.

Doing something because it's quote-unquote a good career move doesn't really appeal to me.

Tell me a musician who's got rich off digital sales. Apple's doing pretty good though, right?

I never predicted that I'd be a comedian, but it was something that came so naturally to me. I just felt good doing it.

My acting coach I've got here, Richard Lawson, he's been doing good, just telling me to calm down sometimes and just be me.

Teaching is good for me. It forces me to articulate ways of doing things or rules of thumb that I've sort of taken for granted.

I'm quite interested in doing a film about fashion. As someone with no fashion taste whatsoever, I think it would be good for me.

My son is really good at being on trips with me. He understands what's going on. He grew up with me modeling, so it's quite normal for him to be on a shoot and in pictures because he sees me doing it.

I adore Bette Davis and Vivien Leigh, but more because they were good actresses. That's what makes me interested in them, that they didn't present themselves as idols; they were just doing their jobs.

I was never very good at being an unemployed actor. I always thought that I should have been doing something pro-active. I was never good at doing juvenile leads. I suppose it's because I have this big sarcastic head on me.

The coolest thing to me, and especially now that our program is PG-friendly, and we advertise that to the hilt, but fathers and mothers come up to me and tell me to keep doing what I'm doing because I'm a good role model for their kids.

I've never been good at making smart career decisions or doing the right strategic thing, and yet somehow it's all led me to exactly the kind of career that I would have dreamed of having - if only I'd been smart enough to dream something like that.

Every season, I've adjusted. My first couple of years it was still banging in the post and doing all the nitty gritty stuff. Over the years, it's changed to bigs being able to shoot and run the floor and be more agile, which is good for me because I'm a very agile guy.

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