My father helped me become a ballplayer and take the good with the bad.

Let me be clear. 'The Good Father' isn't a handbook on how to assassinate the president.

My father was a very good Boy Scout. He was very skilled with knots, and he showed me how to tie a bow tie.

Elvis and I were very good friends. We were such good friends that, on the day that he passed, I was the first one his father called, to let me know what had happened.

I read my father's books growing up. I thought then and I still think now that his writing is wonderful. It delights and infuriates me in equal measure that he's still that good.

For all the good that Alok Nath had done, being perceived as a father figure, the fact that he was hitting on a girl, who was playing his daughter, made me almost want to throw up.

I want to do action of course. It is my father Jai Singh Nijar's dream to cast me in a good action-comedy film like Akshay Kumar sir. I have even trained to build up fitness for the genre.

When I was five my parents bought me a ukulele for Christmas. I quickly learned how to play it with my father's guidance. Thereafter, my father regularly taught me all the good old fashioned songs.

I was three. My father in jest said that he'd tell the doctor to give me a shot if I didn't behave. Good heavens, I have a mental picture of the living room and the doctor approaching the door. I was terrified.

I could, I think, quite easily have gone to Oxford. I got four good A levels, but my father's income was such that I wouldn't have got a grant, and he wouldn't let me go to university, and that was the end of it.

I really like the story of Bardock, Goku's father. It's quite dramatic and the kind of story I absolutely wouldn't draw if it were me. It was like watching a different kind of 'Dragon Ball' in a good way, so I thought it was nice.

He should write his name as Jaan Rita Bhattacharya, not Jaan Kumar Sanu because, firstly, Ritaji has done a lot for him, and secondly, people will start comparing him with me, which is not good for him as a newcomer. I'd be the happiest father to see him successful.

My only description for me is that there's no throwaway people. That's the creed that I live by. It doesn't matter if I'm singing or not. That's the kind of person that my father and mother wanted me to be. The end obligation is to make people feel good about who they are.

I turned goalkeeper. My father had been one and we had a goal in the back garden. He'd taught me a bit about it so I thought I'd give it a go. I didn't really know whether it was going to be a good choice or a bad one but I joined a small local team as a keeper and it turned out to be a really good decision.

In pessimistic moments, when I was trudging London in search of an employer wanting to make use of such talents as I could offer, it seemed to me, almost, that my father had got to where he was by climbing upon my infant shoulders, that he had filched from me my good name and had left me with nothing but the empty fame of being his son.

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