I love girls, whether they wear glasses or not!

I'm an economic human without any likes or dislikes!

I believe that comics are entirely for entertainment.

I have absolutely no preferences when it comes to food.

If you make friends with dogs, they can be really cute!

I was a mischievous child. I was also on the tall side.

I'd want to be born once more as myself, but more talented.

There have been times when I didn't quite make my deadline.

When I draw, I always recall my mindset when I was a child.

I'm not the kind of person who enjoys big crowds very much.

I'm just a manga artist, so I can't stand being scrutinized.

Awww, I was so shy about watching my own work broadcast on TV.

Since I liked to draw, I entered a design-oriented high school.

Designing characters for 'Dragon Quest' is fun but difficult work.

Too much FANTASY loses REALITY, too much HOPE may seem somehow EMPTY.

I'm not very good at depicting the characters' psychology on the page.

'Dragon Ball''s villains were easy to draw: Piccolo, Freeza, Majin Boo.

I'm always going to the toy store; I even have a room full of plastic models.

Since I'm a contrarian, I don't want to go along with what everyone else thinks.

I'm entirely of the mindset that when it comes to books, they've got to be paper.

I have memories of reading comics when I was in primary school, but that's about it.

I'm flying by the seat of my pants, never creating with a thought to what's up ahead!

I like efficient people. I'm pretty impatient, so I can't stand people who putter around.

It was very easy to convince me to take on the job of character designer for 'Dragon Quest.'

A teleporter would be nice. There are lots of places I want to go, but getting there is a pain.

When I draw something, the incredibly annoying thing is that it doesn't come out like I pictured.

With enemies, it's easier to just have them be straight-up bad guys so they can just get beaten up.

In the beginning, I was planning to end 'Dragon Ball' when all seven Dragon Balls had been collected.

A good aspect of me is that I'm not too particular about things. A bad aspect is that I'm indecisive.

I think there's a little me hiding behind your leg, Chichi." "I'm Goten." "I'm Goku. Hi!" .... "Daddy!

Drunken Master (the first one). If I hadn't seen this movie, I would never have come up with Dragonball.

But there's people I care about! And this time around, I’m not gonna just stand by and let them all get hurt!

I'm a lazy person, but if I'm not absent-mindedly doing something, I can't really relax. I can't just veg out.

Weekly, monthly, or whatever, I'm just not good with being told I have to finish up according to a set schedule.

Back when I watched 'Future Boy Conan,' I thought I might like to try my hand at animation, but now, not at all.

Ever since I was little, I've shied away from romance. It's not that I dislike women, but I'm not good with them.

Basically, I'm always coming up with ideas for mixing the things I want to draw with things targeted at children.

I'm personally not terribly interested in designing wholesome characters, so I don't have many variations to offer.

If you're doing gags, I think it's important to have characters who are as strong-willed and impactful as possible.

I've been really frugal with money since way back, so I can't buy something if it's too expensive. I'm not that brave.

I don't remember the very first animation I saw, but the one that stays deepest in my memory is definitely 'Astro Boy.'

Lumped in as a hobby, I don't really like drawing pictures all that much, but thinking of it as work, it's the greatest.

Actually, I have a lot of hobbies, but I've kept up with model-building the longest. In particular, I love military models.

Most Saiyans are born with a talent for battle, but they still need to be taught the trick behind flying and stuff like that.

For a long time, I've loved the kind of characters who are boastful yet petty. I was originally a gag manga artist, after all.

I use Pilot's document ink, but their drawing ink is OK, too. It's just that I don't like the impression that clings to the pen tip.

Do you remember 'Super Saiyan 3?' I forgot about it, and I thought that was 'Super Saiyan 2,' even though I created those characters.

The women I draw all have the same sort of personality. I can't draw gentle girls; I only know how to draw ones who are strong-willed.

It's been a habit of mine since childhood to always be looking around. When I go shopping, I have more fun observing the town than shopping.

In the second half of primary school, I liked live-action shows and giant-monster movies, and then in junior high, I got into regular movies.

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