I have a folder where I keep all the articles the critics have written about me. It makes me feel good.

Tintin comics evoke Bermuda, where my parents doled out comics for good behavior and my grandmother taught me how to shuffle cards.

For me, the country where I feel good, where I feel in harmony with the lifestyle and fundamental values, is the United States - more than any other country.

London's been really good to me - England as a whole - but the Scots and the Irish especially are very appreciative because that's kind of where it all came from.

As an athlete, you really see a lot of the Instagram paradigm. Where it's just like, 'Me! Me! Me!' When you realize you can 'Give, Give, Give,' it's very interesting, and it's good.

For me, I care about my body, so whatever I put in it, I want it to be good to where I want to produce that. I'm a true believer in whatever I put in my body, that's what I'm going to produce.

I've had nights where it's very obvious that I'm the good guy, but I'm still booed, and you can kind of make a checklist about reasons why they're booing me, and one of the evident ones is because of my name and where I'm from.

It's such a crazy league, the Championship. People used to say that to me, and when you are in the Premier League, you don't really take notice. It's a good league; it's tough, and I like it. But the Premier League is where I want to be, with Villa.

Everybody has different issues, good or bad, that they carry with them on the court. It affects you. And for me, it affected me to where sometimes I would be overly aggressive and, in other ways, it would affect people to where they can't perform on the court.

My eyesight is not good. You guys will see, in games you'll watch, I will have times where I don't see the catcher very well, especially in low-light conditions. I can get to about 20/40. That's about as good as they can get me with the stigmatisms and stuff I have going on.

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