Fortune cookies are a good idea. If the message is positive, it can make your day a little better.

Well, there's nothing better than putting your feet up on a Sunday afternoon and grabbing a good book.

The only advantage of not being too good a housekeeper is that your guests are so pleased to feel how very much better they are.

You can only be as good as your audience. Sometimes you can be as bad as your audience, but you have to remember you can never be better than them.

Making something good and saying something brilliant are not two things. When you make your own statement, there is a higher energy level, and you do better painting.

If you're the star of a show, the next one has to be as good or better, and if you're doing a series, if anything goes wrong, it's your fault. There's nobody else to blame.

The easiest ways to improve your appearance is with a really good moisturizer that will plump up your skin, a bit of concealer and a creamy blush on your cheek and lip. It's quick and easy and you'll look so much better.

If you watch fights cage-side, sometimes different punches look better than others. It's like camera angles. Sometimes some punches look a lot better than they were, and sometimes a solid punch doesn't look good. So it just depends on your angle.

I'll tell a young kid in a minute, 'If you don't know how to read, then what good is trying to be an MC?' Like, you can MC, but if you're not trying to be a better person, learn and apply that to your MCing, then how far do you think you're really going to go?

If your dad died before you were born, yeah, it hurts - but it's not like you had a connection with something that was real. Not to say it's any better - but to have that connection and then have it ripped away was, like, the worst. My dad was such a good dad that when he left, he left a huge scar. He was my superhero.

Most open letters undoubtedly come from a good place, rising out of genuine outrage or concern or care. There is, admittedly, also a smugness to most open letters: a sense that we, as the writers of such letters, know better than those to whom the letters are addressed. We will impart our opinions to you, with or without your consent.

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