Vincent Janssen has come in and done very well. He's a great player and different type of player to me.

Our hitting coaches have done a great job of understanding when I don't look right at the plate and getting me back on track.

I'm a huge fan of Conor McGregor, an incredible athlete. What he has done for MMA is phenomenal; he has been a great supporter of me.

Every day, my daddy told me the same thing. 'Once a task is just begun, never leave it till it's done. Be the labour great or small, do it well or not at all.'

My parents must have done a great job. Anytime I wanted to pursue something that they weren't familiar with, that was not part of their lifestyle, they let me go ahead and do it.

It was so satisfying for me - a great reward, just to see it done well. And it was beautifully directed by my daughter Susan Riskin. Imagine, a play about my mother directed by my daughter?!

What I treasure the most is people coming up to me in the elevator and saying, 'You really did a great job': neighbours who congratulate for a job well done or little fans who hug me and say they want to be like me.

It's been a wonderful, wonderful career. It's been just a great run that the Lord gave me and I damn sure appreciate it and thank Him for it and for Him giving me the body and the ability to do what I have done for years.

Getting to do what I think was my fifth BBC drama with Nikki Amuka-Bird - we've done 'Shoot The Messenger,' 'Five Days,' 'The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency,' 'Born Equal' and now 'Small Island' - was another highlight for me. And filming in Jamaica was great, too.

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