I have great energy and I have great tasks ahead of me.

Everybody tells me they don't know how I have so much energy, and I think people feed off that, which is great.

I'm not jaded yet. I'm still at the point where, if someone comes up to me with great energy, I'm happy to meet them.

My mother was a woman who was very frustrated. She had a great deal of ability, and all this energy went into me and my brother.

To me, running is therapy. It's mood-altering and gets my endorphins going. It's also a great release and a great energy builder.

The fans here are great. I think that energy is just going to carry over to how I play on the court and just give me a little boost of energy.

Icons like Nagarjuna sir and Jagapati Babu sir have been so encouraging and shared such great energy, welcoming me into the Telugu film industry. It is motivating.

I was always a great bundle of energy. As a child, instead of walking, I would run. And so running, which is a pain to a lot of people, was always a pleasure to me because it was so easy.

For me, it's my great honour that many people use blue LEDs or LED lightings now. So, we can contribute to the energy savings for the humans, so I'm very, very happy to contribute to the energy saving issues.

I was at a Dolly Parton concert when I was about 9 years old. I saw her at the Ohio State Fair, and it was my first real concert that I'd been to. I saw that crowd and how they reacted and how great of a performer she was and the band. Just the energy of the whole thing collectively really captured me.

If I'm caught off guard or I'm not in a great mood, or if I'm feeling down or if I'm in my head and somebody comes up to me and I can't match the energy, I just have to think, 'Well, I did my job, which was to do the show or release the album or be in the TV show or write the joke. Beyond that, it's kind of a hit or miss what happens between us.'

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