I'm quite grounded.

I'm a grounded person.

I try to stay grounded.

I'm grounded in who I am.

I'm so grounded, it's sad.

My family keeps me grounded.

My sister keeps me grounded.

I just try to stay grounded.

Family keeps you very grounded.

My parents kept me very grounded.

All true love is grounded on esteem.

My Liverpool blood kept me grounded.

I feel quite grounded, which is great.

I come from the favelas, I'm grounded.

I love to make music and stay grounded.

My friends and family keep me grounded.

In yoga, it really is about being grounded.

As a person, I am still grounded and humble.

I'm pretty well grounded in Christian principles.

I stay grounded because everyone around me floats

My mum will never let me be anything but grounded.

Home is like my detox: it's what keeps me grounded.

True patience is grounded in wisdom and compassion.

I like being in the workforce; it keeps me grounded.

My other life keeps me calm and grounded and normal.

Even though I made $800 million, I am still grounded.

We all must develop a grounded clarity for ourselves.

Animals are completely grounded in their root chakra.

Eloquence must be grounded on the plainest narrative.

I was grounded for all of my childhood. Not most - all.

A lot of the teachings really kind of keep me grounded.

My little siblings keep me grounded. I'm a kid at heart.

Cultural inequality is not grounded in race or ethnicity.

Everyone around me is so strict about keeping me grounded.

Yoga has reinforced and grounded my own spiritual beliefs.

Good policy is grounded in a robust set of facts and data.

I'm a lot more grounded now, a lot more settled in my skin.

I've come from a grounded family and had a good upbringing.

I'm lucky to have a wife and a child that keep me grounded.

I love my home comforts and I need to nest to feel grounded.

I'm grounded in joy; I'm not grounded in the trauma anymore.

I always liked characters that were more grounded in reality.

Your family can keep you grounded, make you keep things real.

Sometimes, I need to be high off the ground to keep grounded.

My friends will help me stay grounded, and so will my family.

The best jujitsu practitioners are really serene and grounded.

My mom keeps me grounded and all that. She makes me do chores.

My big, growing family keeps everything balanced and grounded.

The thing that keeps you grounded is doing the thing you love.

Honestly, what keeps me grounded is my faith and my value system.

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