And that will increasingly dawn on people. The demand for controlling the commanding heights will grow.

This story, I predict, will grow to be worse than Watergate. The American people need to have the answers.

The economy is not an abstraction. The economy consists of people, and it will only grow if people feel secure and are reasonably free.

People grow up loving the Yankees and will tell you, and so many people despise the Yankees, and they come from all over the United States.

It will never be Hollywood, the same way people think it should be. I think it will grow and it will be healthy and it will expand into more than one production house.

Real people do real things. A collective of a whole bunch of people who do things in their own locale, in their own neighborhoods - the sum is bigger than the parts, and the parts will grow.

The more people who come from abroad who played soccer and are brought up playing it and watching it, then come over to America and bring what they know and what they play, that's how the sport will grow.

Eighty percent of the cases used in the typical MBA program are about successful companies. Students graduate with this notion that 'If I do everything that the people in those cases did, then my organization will grow and be successful, too.'

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