Eating ice cream and not exercising is great. The downside is your health isn't so good.

A comfortable house is a great source of happiness. It ranks immediately after health and a good conscience.

I think public awareness of how good vaccines are for kids and how they are good for public health is a great idea.

Every year, my mom makes sure I have my checkups and everything, which is probably a really good idea. She's great with all that health stuff.

My mom has a couple great tricks, but my father is consistently a good cook. He's extremely avid about health and fitness and a bit obsessive. He always talks about garden-fresh food.

I loved growing up in Canada. It's a great place to grow up because - well, at least where I grew up - it's very multicultural. There's also good health care and a good education system.

I would like to be as fit as I've always been. I've been blessed with good health, I've been blessed with stamina. Particularly for those great classical roles, you need an Olympian stamina. I, fortunately, have that.

Health messages are simply overwhelmed, in volume and in effectiveness, by junk-food ads that often deploy celebrities or cartoon characters to great effect. We may know that eating fruits and vegetables is good for us, but the preponderance of the signals we get - and especially the signals children get - push us in the direction of junk food.

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